DAFTAR LABELKU (klik saja jangan ragu-ragu)

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011


I always remember,....when my teacher told me  “ You don’ have anything, you only have “modal dengkul  thok” From that time I got awareness  that my capital is not only zero capital but minus capital. In any cases my mind still stays optimistic that Allah is really rich. So I must wait for Allah’s blessing. He also reminds me that I must have non physicalcapital, in this case persistence capital is vital capital.
Do you know what Persistence is ?
            As short I know: Persistence is persistence I mean that persistence is any great achievement that has ever been achieved , has been brought about and made possible by an all important characters.
            There is a question. What  is impotant character in this case? Ya of course character coming from the inner power . Inner power  has been created by spiritual, emotional and intelectual experience.

              As our contemplation, How many times  we  have given up to  implement a positive idea, willingnes  and also to do good things ?
             The fact shows us , we don't belong to powerful enough to act positively. WE ARE POOR IN ACTING AND LEARNING.
            I always remember  much more lessons after watching film titled
CHILDREN OF HEAVEN , this film educates us, How important persistence is