DAFTAR LABELKU (klik saja jangan ragu-ragu)

Kamis, 08 November 2012


MULAT SARIRO HANGROSO WANI adalah salah satu kalimat pembelajaran Jawa,  kurang lebih bermakna berani mengakui / mau intropeksi diri. Dipastikan setiap manusia lebih mudah mengoreksi orang lain dari pada kekurangan diri. Ini juga termasuk Maskatno Giri.

Namun, setidak tidaknya malam ini aku juga perlu intropeksi. Aku memang perlu belajar, karena aku motivator dari keempat anakku (Ikhlasul.khoirul. Khusnul dan Hasan). YOU ARE  MY ANGELS , I LOVE U  ALL. Selama ini aku menjalani hidup ini dengan bahagia dan semangat karena aku merasa nyawaku dan jiwaku berlipat-lipat KARENAMU. Anak-anakku ibarat nyawa dan jiwaku. Kalau bisa aku akan tunjukkan bahwa aku benar-benar berenergi prima n positif  karena mu.

Kalau aku sedang sedikit susah, tapi aku Alhamdulillah agak  jarang susah. Aku akan menatap mu lama-lama, akan kuperoleh energi tambahan untuk bangkit lagi.

Di balik sedikit kesusahanku pasti ada   penyebab kesalahanku. Ini perlu aku berintropeksi diri.  Aku pernah mendapat pembelajaran dari ustadzku:  BILA  KITA  SERING SUSAH DAN BERMASALAH DI KELUARGA, DI MASYARAKAT, DI TEMPAT KERJA  DLL,  jangan mudah cari kambing hitam. Barng kali  kita memang malas  MULAT SARIRO HANGROSO WANI. Sampai saat ini, nasihat itu aku pegang dan kutularkan ke anak-anakku dan para siswaku tercinta. Aku mohon maaf kepadamu semua bila aku belum menjadi ortu ideal.

EAGER FOR A CHANGE by MasSukatno Giri

How hard my life was. Really, when I was young I did not have a chance to be confident. One of the reasons, I did not find a qualified teacher to educate and lead me to be more confident. So I became poor identity and useless.

  Even though it was only a past, but needed to criticize that our teachers, our lecturers must learn more how to educate people.

Now, I am a teacher. I should be different from my past teachers. I must be eager to change. YES WE CAN.

How should the real teacher behave?
A teacher should be an experienced and knowledgeable mentor who has the training and wisdom to guide a student along a path of personal discovery. A teacher should provides a road map to the student so that he or she can thread their way to a destination where they achieve richer fuller rewards in their own lives. 
The value of the excellent personality has been implanted to students. So they feel that everybody must have their own excellence. They should be guided to appreciate and accept their own strength and weaknesses. Because there is no a perfect man in the world, however they can be better caused by learning and learning.

5 Ways To Achieve A Meaningful Life (5 Cara Meraih Kehidupan yang Bermakna) Oleh Maskatno Giri

Our time is limited to live. We can not live in the world forever. We must be responsible with our own deed.
So,  Let’s achieve a meaningful life by doing 5 ways as the following:

1. Be kind. Kindness is not just a feeling, it’s an emotion that leads to action. Kindness gives warmth to a life. Each kind interaction triggers a feeling of connection and pleasure. Actually, kind action is something that gives meaning to our life and

2. Follow our aspirations. Aspirations are the answer to the question: “What do I want to give the world?” Whereas personal goals are the answer to the question, “What do I want the world to give me?”
3. Be passionate. Whenever you do something that you are passionate about, it gives meaning to life. Sometimes it can be difficult to balance work, relationships, and passion. But a life without being passionate about something can feel empty.

4. Cultivate compassionate. Compassion happens when we stop being the center of our concern, and open to the suffering of others. If we focus on ourselves as the center of the universe and our thoughts revolve around how we were, how we will be, or how others see us. Compassion is a way of looking beyond our own needs, to those of others.

5. Working hard for a better future. Working hard for a better future can take many forms, but it always entails developing as a human being. If we work for a better future, we subscribe to life-long learning. New skills make us more effective in the world, both for our own life, as well as for the cause we serve.


Ini terjadi sekitar dua minggu yang lalu. Beberapa anak tetanggaku  keracunan karena  makan jajanan semacam tempora goreng,  menarik kemasannya  terutama untuk anak-anak. Namun kenapa makanan kecil tersebut hampir merenggut nyawa si anak? Rupanya si anak terkecoh penampilan jajanan. Ditambah lagi   si penjual tidak begitu peduli apa arti kadaluarso.

Ternyata tidak hanya makanan. Kita bisa temukan di berbagai lini kehidupan  bahwa tampilan  luar yang bagus  belum tentu  sama dengan yang di dalam. Kita memang sering tertipu.

Lalu,apa kita harus selalu curiga di setiap penampilan dalam berbagai hal? Curiga melulu tentu bukan tindakan bija. Kita Cuma berkewajiban berhati-hati. Apa  kita  sering tertipu?

Kalau kita sering tertipu, kita perlu intropeksi barangkali kita juga sering menipu diri dan orang lain. Mungkin bahasa kereNnya kita sering tidak  REALISTIS / APA ADANYA.

Kisah nyata berikutnya, adik temanku diperkosa dan dibunuh gara-gara laptop. Pembunuhnya adalah teman  yang berpenampilan sok penolong. Temannya menawarkan mereparasi laptopnya, tapi justru laptop dijual.Penjualan laptop tanpa izin, padahal di dalamnya berisi data penting, itulah sumber konflik sampai  pemilik laptop justru dibunuh.

Kita memang bukan maha tahu, tapi kita perlu banyak tahu bahwa jangan mudah terkecoh oleh penampilan  APA SAJA.