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Minggu, 21 April 2013

To be a Writer (Menjadi Seorang Penulis)

I'm still  bad at writing, but  I never give up. I must write everyday, and I never stop writing. I know , there are  so many  intelligent people but they are not willing to be a writer. Because they know that being a writer needs hard  practicing. My blog here is to motivate me and all of you to be a meaningful people, one of them is to  be a writer.

I have read a motivating article to encourage someone to be a writer. If  you love to write, and perhaps you’ve even had some of your work published, but you just can’t seem to get your career as a freelance writer of nonfiction off the ground. Here are some flight lessons based  on of  the suggestions  many famous writers:

1. Focus

Nonfiction is an enormous universe. Map out a very small segment of the cosmos. Do you enjoy writing creative nonfiction — long articles and essays with a narrative flair that reads almost like fiction? Or do you have a more practical bent, tending toward how-to articles or procedural guides? Perhaps you’d like to write reviews of books or video games or software or appliances. Narrow your topic field; you can always widen your scope later.

2. Adopt

What are your favorite Web sites or magazines or books? Are there writers whose styles inspire you? Find the publications that publish the kinds of content you like to read, and study the writing techniques on display. Don’t strive to imitate; use this step simply to help you find your niche.

3. List

Create a short directory of publications or publishers to target. Assuming you’re just starting out, list targets more likely to publish writing by a beginner, but don’t be afraid to include a couple more high-profile publications. And don’t neglect what’s right under your nose: community newspaper(s), local magazines, and Web sites that publicize your region’s businesses or cultural and natural assets.

4. Compile

Collect some of your best writing — published or otherwise — that represents you well and matches the type of content those publications are looking for.

5. Contact

Go to your publisher directory, look up the URL for publication Web sites, and search for submission guidelines. If there are none, send a request for guidelines to the editorial department’s email address or the information address.

6. Pitch

Come up with proposals for a few articles or essays you’d like to write, match them to various publications, and send them in. Alternatively or in addition, submit completed articles on spec. (“On spec,” short for “on specifications,” means tailoring an already written piece toward a specific market and offering it for publication.)
The strategy of writing on spec has its detractors, but it’s a good way to break into the writing market, and even if the piece itself is turned down, it may demonstrate to an editor that your pitch is worth a look, or that you might be a good match for an article they need a writer for.

7. Persevere

Repeat step 6. If your pitch or your spec article is rejected, send it to someone else. If you strike out five or ten times, retire the idea, call in another one, and start another round with a new batch of publications. (Wait a few months before circling back around to those that turned you down previously, but never delete them from your directory.) Repeat.

You may get an acceptance or an assignment on your first try. (It’s happened.) You may get turned down once, or ten times, or a hundred times. Don’t give up. If you want it bad enough, you’ll get it, eventually. Your goal is not to hear “No” a given number of times, but to hear “Yes” once, and then once more, and then once more after that, etc. An unpublished writer is a writer who has given up.

Tanpa Berpacaranpun, Rumah Tanggaku Bisa Sangat Membahagiakan oleh Maskatno Giri

Percaya boleh,  tidak juga boleh. Kehidupan rumah tanggaku sangat membahagiakan, padahal  sebelum menikah aku tanpa melewati proses pacaran. Maka saat ini aku  masih pada pendirianku, seperti waktu remaja dulu bahwa pacaran  justru bisa menuju kenistaan, kebohongan, perzinaan, kehancuran rumah tangga, hilangnya harga diri, saling curiga antar pasangan  dll. Sekali lagi, itu keyakinan pribadiku, dan aku tidak bisa memaksakan kehendak kepada orang lain supaya sepertiku.

Baiklah, akan kuceritakan tentang sedikit perjalanku, juga  sahabat-sahabatku yang  dulu seneng pacaran dan   sahabatku  yang  tanpa berpacaran.

Sejak remaja aku sudah aktif di berbagai bentuk kajian Islam. Kebetulan  berbagai kajian tersebut menegaskan bahwa pacaran tidak ada dalam istilah Islam. Akupun  meyakini bahwa pacaran adalah berhukum haram. Alhamdulillah aku tidak berniat punya pacar dan tentu aku tidak berpacaran.

Temanku pun sempat bertanya. Bagaimana mungkin bisa mengetahui karakter calon pasangan hidup  seseorang bila tanpa berpacaran? Pertanyaan ini menurutku logis juga. Namun, sang ustadz pun menjawabnya bahwa utnuk mengetahui seseorang lebih jauh siapa dia, kita bisa bertanya dengan teman dekatnya, atau bisa juga ke tetangganya. Untuk tahu lebih mendalam lagi kita bisa menyelidiki siapa keluarganya dan siapa  orang tuanaya. Dalam ajaran Jawa bisa kita ambil  pelajaran "BIBIT, BEBET DAN BOBOT".