DAFTAR LABELKU (klik saja jangan ragu-ragu)

Minggu, 10 Juni 2012


Orang normal pasti ingin SUKSES (ini bukan akronim SukatnoGiri Setia Selalu). Penting untuk dicermati ciri-ciri calon orang sukses
1. Keberanian untuk berinisiatif/ kreatif
Inisiatif dan kreatif adalah kekayaan semua orang, tinggal orang itu mau atau tidak untuk berinisiatif dan kreatif mengemukakan ide-idenya.
2. Tepat waktu
Jumlah waktu yang sama yaitu 24 jam sehari. Orang yang senantisa berpegang (DEMI WAKTU MANUSIA DALAM KERUGIAN) dan berusaha menggunakan waktu sebaik-baiknya, pasti calon sukses (iki conto : bangun pagi, tepat jnji dll)
3. Senang melayani dan memberi dengan ikhlas
Rumus sukses dari banyak orang sukses adalah mampu memelopori, namun sebuah additional attribute dari sikap kebiasaan melayani dan memberi.
“The more you give to others, the more respect you get in return”
4. Bersifat Terbuka pada Hal-hal baru dan tentu baik
Rasa percaya dan kebesaran hati untuk membuka diri terhadap orang lain merupakan cermin bahwa kita siap jadi sukses
5. Cooperatif (Senang bekerja sama dan membina hubungan baik)
Kemampuan bekerja sama dalam tim adalah salah satu kunci keberhasilan utama.Orang tidak bisa hidup sendiri dalam meraih sukses.
6. Senang belajar pada hal-hal baru
Jadi senang belajar dan mencari hal baru adalah sebuah sikap kesuksesan.
7. Pantang menyerah dan mengeluh.
Lance Armstrong pernah berkata, “There are two kinds of days: good days and great days.”
Hanya ada dua macam hari: hari yang baik dan hari yang sangat baik.
8. Berani menanggung resiko
Resiko hanyalah akan berakibat dua macam: be a good or a great day. Jadi, jadi tidak perlu dikhawatirkan lagi bukan?
Kegagalan pun hanyalah kesempatan belajar untuk tidak mengulangi hal yang sama di kemudian hari. Gagal itu biasa .
9. Berjuang, berusaha berpikir positif setiap saat.
Hidup adalah perjuangan (life is a strugle) Tidak mau berjuangan jangan hidup di bumi ini.
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بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
In the Name of Allah Most-Compassionate, Most-Merciful
“Wal Asri…”
Feel time slipping away from between your fingers,
feel the realisation of Al-Haqq,
feel and understand His words when He said,
“Wal asri in’nal insaana la fi khus’r…”
Man is indeed at a loss,
as the sands of time run against him,
time ebbs away,
his life shortens,
his works slowly turn to dust.
Like him one day,
assigned to the grave of his life much coveted,
hearing footsteps walking away,
he comes into the full realisation,
“Wal asri in’nal insaana la fi khus’r…”
From what was he created but dust,
to what does everything return but dust,
time ebbs away from between his fingers,
and consumed by the universe,
he is returned to his former state from whence he came,
he understands his Lords words,
“Wal asri in’nal insaana la fi khus’r…”
Now in that realisation,
he sees only time,
like a river it flows through him,
like a particle of dust it is a part of him,
he sees only time but time enough to remember,
“illall ladhina aminu, wa ami lus-saalihat, wat’ta’wasau bil haqqi, wat ta’wasau bis sabr”
Now as time passes onto a place without time,
he understands the truth,
he sees only Al-Haqq,
now there is no time to count,
only deeds and hearts to measure,
in that place between time,
he realises there is only Al-Haqq,
there was only ever Al-Haqq.
There was no time and no place,
no thought and no space,
what was in between the spaces,
was only a figment of his mind,
of what was real is now left behind.
It was only a matter of time,
before he realised it was never about time,
it was about how each moment was spent,
in His contemplation and hearts yearning,
to be back once more with its kind.
Surah al-Asr
“I swear by the time,
Verily Man is in loss,
Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy”.