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Rabu, 24 Desember 2014

"Common Mistakes in English" atau kesalahan-kesalahan umum dalam Bahasa Inggris

Cuma bengong? Jangan dong! Belajar bahasa Inggris? Tentu  waktumu lebih berarti. Mengunjungi blognya Maskatno Giri semoga  tidak sia-sia. 

Berbagi tentu lebih utama. Ada pesan tertulis dari pembaca untuk blogku: mbok ya ditambahi materi ajar bahasa Inggrisnya, biar membantu para siswa!. Oke jawabku. 

Berbagai blog sebenarnya telah berbagi tentang materi ajar bahasa Inggris  dan kini kuposting ulang yang bersumber dari blog-blog pembelajaran bahasa  Inggris. Maskatno Giri berusaha terus baik hati dan tidak sombong atau bangga diri,  pokoknya terus  berbagi tiada henti, "yen ora bolo ora tak kandani".

Berikut ku sedikit contoh  "  Common Mistakes in English atau kesalahan-kesalahan umum dalam Bahasa Inggris"

1. Lose dan Loose

- Lose/lost (verb) mempunyai arti antara lain: kalah, kehilangan/menghilangkan, melewatkan. Contoh kalimat:
I lost my wallet (Saya kehilangan dompet saya).
Don’t lose to your opponent (Jangan kalah sama lawanmu).
I don’t want to lose you (Saya tidak ingin kehilangan kamu).
- Lost (adjective): hilang, membingungkan, lenyap, mati. Contoh kalimat:
I’m lost (Saya tersesat).
She was lost when he started to explain the theories of quantum physics (Dia bingung ketika dia mulai menjelaskan teori fisika quantum)
- Loose (adjective): longgar, mudah, bebas. Contoh kalimat:
The t-shirt is very loose on me (Kaosnya sangat longgar di saya).
Lose yourself dan loose yourself (bebaskan dirimu), di sini loose kurang tepat karena dibutuhkan verb sebelum kata yourself (reflexive pronoun). Bila menggunakan kata loose maka perlu dirubah menjadi verb hingga menjadi loosen yourself. Bentuk adverb dari loose adalah loosely.

2. Live, Leave, Alive, dan Life

- Live (verb): tinggal, hidup Contoh kalimat:
I live in Solo (Saya tinggal di Solo -sekarang-)
She lives in Solo (Dia tinggal di Solo -sekarang-)
I lived in Australia 4 years ago (Saya tinggal di Australia 4 tahun yang lalu -lampau-).
He lived for 25 years (Dia hidup selama 25 tahun).
- Live, alive (adjective): hidup, langsung, bekerja, penting. Contoh kalimat:
I feel alive (Saya merasa hidup).
He is a lively (adverb) person (Dia adalah orang yang hidup/aktif).
I saw the Slash concert live (Saya melihat konser Slash langsung).
- Life, lives (noun): nyawa, hidup, kehidupan. Contoh kalimat:
It’s my life (Ini hidup saya).
Save our lives (Selmatkan hidup kami).
- Leave (verb): meninggalkan. Contoh kalimat:
Don’t leave me (jangan tinggalkan saya).

3. Brought dan Bought

- Brought: bentuk lampau dari kata bring yaitu membawa. Contoh kalimat:
He brought my bags to the car (Dia membawa tas-tas saya ke mobil).
- Bought: bentuk lampau dari kata buy yaitu membeli. Contoh kalimat:
She bought an ice cream sundae (Dia membeli satu ice cream sundae).

4. Quite dan Quiet

- Quite (adverb): agak. Contoh kalimat:
He is quite short (Dia agak pendek).
-Quiet (adjective): sunyi. Contoh kalimat:
Please be quiet (Mohon jangan berisik).

5. Practice dan Practise

- Practice (noun): latihan, praktik, kebiasaan. Contoh kalimat:
Music practice needs a lot of concentration (Latihan musik butuh banyak konsentrasi).
- Practise (verb): berlatih, melakukan, menjalankan, melakukan. Contoh kalimat:
She needs to practise her French (Dia perlu melatih bahasa Perancisnya).

6. Save dan Safe

- Save (verb): menyimpan, menyelamatkan, menabung. Contoh kalimat:
Save your money in the bank (Simpan uangmu di bank).
Somebody save me (Seseorang selamatkan saya).
- Safe (adjective): aman, baik-baik saja. Contoh kalimat:
I feel safe (Saya merasa aman).
Oke teman-teman segitu dulu, kalau ada kata-kata lain yang ingin dibahas langsung contact saja (lihat detailnya di tab info) atau langsung comment.
Oh ya ada video untuk catatan materi ini karena pengucapan untuk kata-kata tersebut berbeda antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya.
Lebih Lengkap ku share tambahan kesalahan umum bersumber dari Englishindo.com

Kesalahan Umum
Look – It rains
Look – It is raining
It’s often raining here
It often rains here
When I was 20 I was smoking
When I was 20 I smoked
I have seen Louis yesterday
I saw Louis yesterday
We’re living here since April
We’ve been living here since April
I’ll phone you when I will arrive
I’ll phone you when I arrive
I’m not believing him
I don’t believe him
I am born in Chicago
I was born in Chicago
My sister has 15 years
My sister is 15 (years old)
I have cold in this house
I am cold in this house
I can to swim
I can swim
I must see the dentist yesterday
I had to see the dentist yesterday
I want go home
I want to go home
I come here for study English
I come here to study English
I drove there without to stop
I drove there without stopping
Where I can buy stamps?
Where can I buy stamps?
Is ready my new office?
Is my new office ready?
I’m no asleep
I’m not asleep
She looked, but she didn’t see nothing
...she didn’t see anything/….she saw nothing
Where is station?
Where is the station?
My sister is photographer
My sister is a photographer
You speak a very good English
You speak very good English
The life is difficult
Life is difficult
I haven’t got some free time today
I haven’t got any free time today
Everybody were late
Everybody was late
It is more cold today
It is colder today
It is too much hot in this house
It is too hot in this house
The man which lives here is from Greece
The man who lives here is from Greece
The people in this town is very friendly
The people in this town are very friendly
She never listens me
She never listen to me
We went at the seaside on Sunday
We went to the seaside on Sunday
I like very much skiing
I like skiing very much / I very much like skiing
This soup is not enough hot
This soup is not hot enough
I gave to her my address
I gave her my address
I have done a mistake
I have made a mistake