Munif Chatib memberikan materi berupa 5 point yang merubah paradigma
berfikir kita tentang anak didik kita. 5 point tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Memandang setiap anak yang dilahirkan adalah juara
Munif menyatakan bahwa “bagaimanapun kondisi anak didik kita,
mereka adalah juara”. Kita bisa melihat dalam acara-acara training
motivasi kenyataannya bahwa manusia yang berstatus autis-pun dapat
berprestasi, atau orang yang terlahir dengan kedua tanggan dan kedua
kakinya yang tak normal yang seakan-akan dalam sekilas pandangan kita
masa depannya akan sangat suram, tetapi kenyataan berkata lain, dengan
tekad kuat, dengan kerja keras, orang yang terlahir tanpa kedua
tangan-pun banyak yang menuai kesuksesan dalam hidupnya. Begitulah munif
chatib menjelaskan bahwa setiap orang, bagaimanapun kondisinya adalah
juara sehingga tidak salah jika beliau memberikan ilustrasi untuk
bingkisan yang pertama ini adalah sebuah bintang. Dan hikmah yang dapat di ambil adalah bahwa Allah tidak akan pernah memproduksi produk-produk gagal.
2. Memahami kemampuan dalam arti yang luas
Dalam bingkisan yang kedua ini,chatib mengajak kita untuk berfikir
terbuka,bahwa jangan sampai kita menjadi bagian dari orang mengartikan
kemampuan atau kecerdasan di lihat dari satu sisi saja yaitu kognitif,
bahkan faktanya, lebih di persempit lagi bahwa kecerdasan hanya dilihat
dari selembar kertas ujian.
Dalam otak kita terdiri dari berjuta sel otak yang bila mendapat
stimulus yang tepat maka akan mendapat kompetensi yang maksimal. Yang
artinya bahwa kitapun harus memberikan arti yang sangat luas dari sebuah
kecerdasan bahwa kesuksesan tidak selalu kognitif.
karena pandangannya yang luas tersebut maka chatib membuat ilustrasi dari bingkisan kedua ini dengan samudra.
3. Setiap anak cerdas dengan multiple intelligence
Yang ketiga ini mempertegas dari bingkisan yang kedua di atas,
bahwa banyak potensi yang dimiliki oleh setiap orang, kalau lah dia
tidak bisa dalam bidang matematika maka mungkin kinestetiknya yang
menonjol, atau mungkin spatialnya, atau mungkin linguistiknya atau
banyak kemungkinan-kemungkinan lainnya, dan yang bisa di pastikan adalah
bahwa setiap orang pasti memiliki satu potensi yang dapat di andalkan.
Multiple Intelligence yang di gagas oleh Howard Gardner, mengatakan
bahwa kecerdasan memiliki banyak varian, sehingga karena banyaknya ini,
chatib mengilustrasikan dengan harta karun.
4. Discovering Ability
Discovering disini mari kita artikan bukan sebagai menemukan, tapi marilah kita artikan dengan makna menjelah, menyelami
hebatnya kemampuan siswa kita, dan mengangkatnya ke permukaan bahkan
terbang mengangkasa menjadi sang bintang yang menjadi juara.
“kembangkan kemampuan,kubur ketidakmampuan”.
5. Bakat
Inilah salah satu bagian dari harta qarun itu,
bakat. Ya …profesi yang bisa menjadi professional adalah karena ada
bakat. Kenali bakat anak didik kita, maka dengan banyak sentuhan
motivasi maka jadilah dia seorang professional.
Mas Guru berbagi motivasi terutama untuk siswanya di SMAN 1 Girimarto
Selasa, 10 Juli 2012
Senin, 09 Juli 2012
Wonogiri VOICE
of MARON (VoM).Berkaca dari kisah hidup
Dahlan Iskan, akhirnya ada seorang novelis cerdas yang mengangkatnya menjadi
novel inspiratif “SEPATU DAHLAN”, saya
MasKatnoGiri berkeyakinan bahwa novel karya Khrisna Pabihara akan menjadi novel “super mega best seller”. Karena sampai saat ini orang-orang Indonesia merindukan novel yang inspiratif, edukatif dan
menkayakan. Kita masih ingat kejayaan novel Laskar Pelangi, Ketika Cinta
Berasbih dll. Walaupun demikian kita juga prihatin atas terbitnya novel-novel
yang tidak mendidik, contohnya cari sendiri.
“HIDUP, bagi
orang miskin, harus dijalani apa adanya." Kalimat itu ditulis oleh Dahlan
Iskan sebagai pengantar sebuah novel . Sebenarnya banyak cerita-cerita
inspiratif yang bisa dijadikan sumber bahan penulisan sebuah novel, namun di
negeri ini masih minim para penulis. Termasuk MasKatnoGiri sendiri mengalami
kebingungan bagaimana memulai, meracik supaya cerita sebenarnya memberikan motivasi dan edukasi menjadi novel yang apik. PR besar bagi para
orang tua dan guru pendidik, supaya mereka memotivasi pada anak-anaknya agar
mampu menulis atu setidak-tidaknya membentuk cerita sederhana yang berguna bagi
orang lain.
Sosok Dahlan
kecil yang digambarkan oleh penulis dalam novel itu bukanlah orang yang pasrah
terhadap keadaannya. Dahlan kecil dalam novel itu adalah seorang pejuang,
pejuang bagi masa depannya tak peduli jalan berliku. Kisah Dahlan ini sebenarnya agak mirip den gan kisah
MasKatnoGiri dan pasti banyak juga yang memiliki kemiripan dengan kisah ini.
Dahlan, bocah asal
Kebon Dalem, Jawa Timur, berpeluh untuk mewujudkan mimpinya,
yang semula sangat sederhana untuk ukuran sebagian besar anak Indonesia saat
ini, yaitu sepasang sepatu dan sepeda.
Tapi dia
tidak menyerah. Dari Kebon Dalem, kampung yang dilukiskan sebagai hanya
memiliki enam buah gubuk yang letaknya saling berjauhan, Dahlan tekun menyusun
langkah hingga akhirnya kini tertambat di salah satu kursi Kabinet Indonesia
Bersatu II sebagai Menteri BUMN.
Sebuah lompatan
yang sangat mengagumkan jika merujuk pada novel "Sepatu Dahlan" yang
menyebutkan bahwa nyaris seluruh lelaki dewasa di Kebon Dalem bekerja sebagai
buruh .
kerja kerasnya, Dahlan berhasil mengumpulkan uang untuk membeli sepeda secara
mencicil dan kemudian dia bahkan mampu membeli dua pasang sepatu untuk dirinya
dan adiknya. Sekalipun semua itu baru dapat diwujudkannya ketika ia duduk di
kelas tiga SMA (Aliyah). Suatu jalan yang panjang untuk sepasang sepatu.
Sepasang sepatu yang kemudian lebih banyak ditenteng oleh Dahlan karena ia
merasa sayang menggunakannya.
Di tengah
tengah kehidupan yang manja dari para pemuda dan kemanjaan para pejabat yang
korup. Novel "Sepatu Dahlan" adalah satu bentuk teguran dan
motivasi bagi pemuda dan pejabat
untuk tidak bermanja-manja. Dahlan sanggup menjadi contoh. Dahlan
kemudian mengawali Gerakan Sepatu untuk Anak Indonesia dengan membagikan
sekitar 1.000 sepatu untuk anak-anak Sekolah Dasar di seluruh sudut Jakarta.
"bagi-bagi" sepatu itu memperoleh rekor dari Museum Rekor Indonesia
sebagai gerakan berbagi sepatu terbanyak karena ditargetkan akan memberikan
lebih dari 3.600 pasang sepatu bagi anak-anak Indonesia. Kisah ini mestinya
menjadi teladan untuk kita.
Minggu, 08 Juli 2012
by MasKatnoGiri from my Great Ustadzes' advices
How lucky MasKatnoGiri is ,
because He has great Ustadzes who always
advise him everytime. MasKatno Giri is getting older. His first kid has been a
teenager. Educating teens is not easy, needed much more experience and also knowledge. We must be trained to be as successful parents.
MasKatnoGiri always tries to
remember the advices of his ustadz . These
are some of their suggestions:
Building a Masjid or Mushola in your home
Delegate a room, part of the basement
or the living room as the home Masjid. You can do this for less than Rp. 20.000.000,-
Make this Masjid entirely the
responsibility of the kids. Get the eldest to be in charge and to delegate
responsibilities for younger siblings. Responsibilities include keeping the
Masjid clean, waking people up for Fajr, calling the Adhan, etc.
Establishing an Islamic library and choose a
Equip your home with an Islamic
library with books, video and audio cassettes about various aspects of Islam,
catering to everyone's age and interests.
Get one of your teens to be the
librarian. S/he keeps materials organized and in good condition. Any requests
for materials to be added to the collection have to go through him or her. Give
this librarian a monthly budget for ordering new books, cassettes, etc.
Taking them Islamic activities
Instead of a fancy dinner at a
restaurant, save your money to take everyone out to the next Muslim community
dinner or activity. Make a special effort to go to events where other Muslim
teens will be present and the speaker caters his/her message to this crowd.
Moving to a predominantly Muslim neighborhood
in your city
Ideally, this should be near the
mosque. This step is necessary if you want to surround your kids with other
Muslim children of more or less the same age on a daily basis.
Helping teens start their own youth group
After living in a Muslim neighborhood
and attending Islamic activities regularly, teens in many cases will develop a
friendship with other Muslims their age. Don't let this end here.
Help them establish a youth group,
not just to learn about Islam, but to go to the amusement park together, go
swimming, etc. Have meetings at members' houses on a weekly or bimonthly basis.
Get this group involved in useful work like cleaning up litter around the
Masjid or visiting senior citizens' homes.This group must have parental
supervision, although teens' decision-making powers should not be interfered
with unless really necessary
Taking parenting more seriously than you would
a full-time job
This means both parents must understand
their children are a trust from Allah, and He will ask how they were raised. If
the children do not grow up practicing Islam because of their parents'
negligence, it is not going to be pretty in this life or the next.
Reducing or change work hours and exchange them
for time with the family
It is better to have one full-time
job, fewer luxuries in the house (i.e. more cars, expensive clothes, a bigger,
fancier home) and more time with the family, than many material things and
absent parents. This goes for mothers AND fathers. Parents can't instill values
in their children if they just aren't there, period. Quit that extra job on the
weekends or in the evenings and instead drive the kids to the mosque for
Halaqas and activities instead. Or consider switching shifts at work so that
you're home when the kids are.
Reading the Quran, understanding its meaning,
for five minutes every day
Just five minutes. Whether it's in
the car during a traffic jam, early morning after Fajr, or right before you go
to bed, read the Quran with a translation and/or Tafseer. Then watch the
snowball effect. You will, Insha Allah, reconnect with Allah, and in the long
run, develop into a role model helping your whole family, not just your teen,
reconnect with Him too.
Attending a weekly PENGAJIAN or Halaqa
Trade playing cards or watching
television on Sunday afternoons for a Halaqa. If you don't have something
already in place during that time slot, help the Imam to set one up. Attend it
vigilantly. The added bonus of this is that when children see their parents
striving to learn about Islam, they will in many cases be encouraged to do the
10. Respecting
your teen
Respecting your teen means not
treating them like inept babies, but like maturing adults, not talking down to
them or humiliating and insulting them. It means involving them in useful
activities around the home and seeking their opinions on matters of importance.
11. Taking
an interest in what they do
Does Noor play hockey in an
all-girls' sports league? Attend Noor's games as regularly as possible. Does
Ihsan collect stamps? See if you can find old letters from your parents in
Malaysia or Lebanon and pass the stamps on them to her. Does Muhsin love
building websites? Visit his site, post a congratulatory e-mail on the message
board and offer some suggestions for the site. Give him a book on advanced web
design as Eid gift.
12. Being
aware of problems and address them
As you spend more time with your
teen, you will be more able to sense if there is something bothering them.
Don't brush this feeling under the carpet. Address it straight on. But don't do
this in the family meeting or n in front of others. Do it during the next tip.
13. "Dating"
your teenager
While dating is commonly associated
with boy-girl social meetings, the concept can be extended to any meeting
between two people wanting to get to know each other better.
It's especially important to
"date" your children on an individual level once they hit their teens
because they are no longer just "one of the kids". They are young
adults who need attention and guidance on an individual level. You can go out
on a "date" when Sumayya graduates from high school (instead of going
to the prom), when Ahmed gets his driver's license or if you feel there is
something bothering them and you want to address them alone.
14. Not
to just be your teen's parent, be his or
her partner
Making them a partner means giving
them responsibilities within the family. Get 16 year old Amir, who just got his
driver's license, to help his mom with grocery shopping on Saturday's; get 15
year old Jasmine, who loves flowers, to be responsible for the garden and
mowing the lawn. This way, teens will feel a part of the family, included and
15. Establishing
a TV-free evening and monitor TV watching in general
Parents' biggest competitor for their
children's attention is the T.V. Sound Vision's unTV guide. Monitoring what
everyone watches simply means taking care to remind and help everyone avoid
shows which depict sex, violence and encourage unIslamic activities. Put up a
list of acceptable and unacceptable shows on the wall beside the T.V.
Establishing TV-free evenings means
having one evening of the week when no one, adult, teen or child is allowed to
watch television. Hopefully, this is a first step towards general TV reduction
in the home. This is an ideal time to have the next tip.
16. Having
weekly family meetings
The purpose: to find out what is
going on in everyone's lives and to consult the family on important issues.
Hanan started attending a Halaqa, Imran just returned from a Muslim youth camp,
Bilal aced the last algebra test. The point is not to just give this news in
point form. It's to elicit discussion and communication between everyone, and
to keep up-to-date about what is going on in everyone's life, which gets harder
when kids become teenagers.
This is also the place to consult the
family and decide on major issues affecting everyone: a move to another city; a
marriage of one of the family members; difficulties with a bully in school,
Please note: Shura in the family does
not mean a majority vote determines what to do about a situation. While the
parents remain in charge, teens and younger children voice opinions and suggestions
parents will consider in making a final decision about a matter.
17. Providing
the right role models-What would Abu Bakr have done?
Apart from being a role model
yourself by trying to practice Islam, make sure you provide teens with reading
material about the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his
Companions (Sahaba), both the men and the women. Otherwise, the characters on
the programs your kids watch on television may become their
Discuss what a Companion may have
done in a situation relevant to teens' lives. What would Abu Bakr Siddiq do if
he saw a someone selling answers to the grade 11 math final exam? What would
Aisha have done is she was confronted with the opportunity to cheat her
18. Reading
books on Positive Parenting
These can be books written by
Muslims, but even books by non-Muslims can help. However, just be ready and
make sure you are able to identify what is Islamically acceptable versus what
is not.
19. Geting
them married early
A Muslim teenager facing this is in a
tough position: succumb to the temptations or try really, really hard not to.
Getting them married early (check out some tips for parents) will ease the
pressure, and they don't have to stop their studies to do this. Remember, as a
parent you will also be partly responsible if your son or daughter wanted to
marry, you stopped them and they ended up having sex outside of marriage. You
should also remember when undertaking this step not to force your son or
daughter to marry someone they do not like.
20. Last
but not least-Praying
Praying. It is really Allah who
guides and misguides, but if you've done your job as a parent, Insha Allah,
keeping your teen a practicing Muslim will be easier to do than if you had
neglected this duty. As well, make prayer for your teen in front of them. This
reminds them how much you love them and your concern for them.
Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012
MasSukatnoGiri's Blog (Mas Guru SMANI Girimarto): How great my teacher is, he always motivates me. I...
MasSukatnoGiri's Blog (Mas Guru SMANI Girimarto): How great my teacher is, he always motivates me. I...: How great my teacher is, he always motivates me. I always remember what he said. One day he told me that I could be wealthy.He also tol...
great my teacher is, he always motivates me. I always remember what he
said. One day he told me that I could be wealthy.He also told me not to
define wealth into a simple way, Wealth could be define into deep
meanings. He stated that there're requirements of being wealthy, I must take
his advice:
1. Taking decisive and immediate action.
2. Focusing on being productive, not being busy.
3. Making logical, informed decisions.
4. Avoiding the trap of trying to make things perfect.
5. Working outside of the comfort zone.
6. Keeping things simple.
7. Focusing on making small, continuous improvements.
8. Maintaining a positive outlook as we learn from our mistakes.
9. Spending time with the right people.
10. Maintaining balance in our life covering IQ,EQ,SQ
Mendidik diri bermental entrepreneur
berbasis otak kanan sangat
penting. Selama ini, kebanyakan orang hanya menggunakan otak kiri-nya yang berkaitan
dengan bahasa, logika, dan simbol simbol dan diarahkan pada pemikiran linear
dan vertical (dari satu kesimpulan logis ke kesimpulan logis lainnya).
lebih seimbang, otak kanan yang berkaitan dengan fungsi-fungsi emosi, intuitif,
dan spasial serta bekerja berdasarkan pikiran
lateral (mempertimbangkan masalah dari semua sisi dan sampai pada hal
yang berbeda) merupakan bagian otak yang berperan penting dalam kreatifitas.
dunia wira usaha , karya kreatif adalah
inti dari hal yang bisa dimaksimalkan.
Dalam hal ini pengaktifan otak kanan menjadi sangat penting. Memaksimalkan
fungsi otak kanan akan menghasilkan
pemikiran-pemikiran yang tidak konvensional, tidak sistematis, dan tidak
terstruktur. Hal ini tidak berarti hasil pemikiran otak kanan merupakan sesuatu
yang sembarangan, namun hasil pemikiran otak kanan berkaitan dengan sesuatu
yang baru, yang tidak biasa, dan berbeda dari apa yang ada sebelumnya.
beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk
mengembangkan otak kanan antara lain:
Mencari-dan mencari berbagai alternatif pemecahan masalah .
Menentang kebiasaan, rutinitas, dan
Memainkan permainan - permainan
mental, berusaha melihat masalah dari berbagai sudut pandang.
Menyadari bahwa ada banyak jawaban yang benar, dari persoalan.
Melihat masalah sebagai batu loncatan
untuk menemukan ide-ide baru. Jika beban
masalah terlalu banyak, mungkin baru diuji atau kena adzab jadi segera
instropeksi dan bertobat.
Melihat kesalahan dan kegagalan
sebagai sarana untuk memperoleh keberhasilan. Jadi jangan mudah mengeluh.
Menghubungkan ide-ide yang tidak
berhubungan untuk menemukan solusi yang baru dan inovatif .
Memiliki daya pandang yang menyebar melihat dari atas
dan menyeluruh terhadap berbagai hal rutin yang terjadi dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari dan kemudian mengambil keputusan yang sesuai dengan masalah yang
bisa disimpulkan bahwa, kesempatan
berhasil di banyak bidang sangat dipengaruhi daya kreatifitas, inovasi dan
kekayaan pengembangan diri. Salah satu yang sangat mendesak adalah
memaksimalkan peran otak kanan.
Lyrics to Someone Like You
Lyrics to Someone Like You
by adele:
I heard ,That
you're settled down
That you, Found a girl,And you're
Married now...
I heard That your dreams came true
I guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you
Old friend, why are you so shy?
It ain't like you to hold back or hide from the lie.
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited,
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it,
I had hoped you'd see my face,
And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over,
Never mind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah,
You know how the time flies,
Only yesterday was the time of our lives,
We were born and raised in a summer haze,
Bound by the surprise of our glory days,
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited,
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it,
I had hoped you'd see my face,
And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over,
Never mind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Nothing compares,
No worries or cares,
Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made,
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead.
That you, Found a girl,And you're
Married now...
I heard That your dreams came true
I guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you
Old friend, why are you so shy?
It ain't like you to hold back or hide from the lie.
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited,
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it,
I had hoped you'd see my face,
And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over,
Never mind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah,
You know how the time flies,
Only yesterday was the time of our lives,
We were born and raised in a summer haze,
Bound by the surprise of our glory days,
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited,
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it,
I had hoped you'd see my face,
And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over,
Never mind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Nothing compares,
No worries or cares,
Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made,
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead.
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