Tidak mungkin manusia terlepas dari masa lalu. Setiap manusia memiliki pengalaman masa lalu. Pengalaman tersebut bisa beragam: memalukan, menyedihkan, mengesankan dan juga membahagiakan.
Kalau mengingat masa lalu yang membuat bahagia dan semangat kembali dalam menjalani kehidupan, tentu ini bukan masalah. Tapi bila mengingat masa lalu kita menjadi semakin merasa bersalah, nglokro, dan pesismis, tentu ini bisa berbahaya.
Kesuksesan hidup kita tentu dipengaruhi oleh jiwa mulia. Maksudnya, kita mestinya berusaha bisa memiliki jiwa mulia. Di antara kemuliaan seseorang adalah berjiwa pemaaf baik kepada diri sendiri dan orang lain. Pertanyaanya; kalau dengan cara mengingat masa lalu kita semakin terpuruk dan pesimis, kenapa kita menyibukkan diri dengan mengingat masa lalu? Untuk apa?.
Menasihati untuk melupakan masa lalu sangat mudah. Praktiknya susah. Ya, paling tidak kita harus berusaha memaafkan diri sendiri apapun kondisinya kita di masa lalu. Tidak ada manusia sempurna/ perfect. Setiap manusia memiliki kelemahan, kekurangan, aib dll. Kalau kita menuntut diri kita sempurna biasa disebut PERFECTIONIST. Hati-hati tentang perfectionist bisa-bisa kita stress gara-gara menuntut kesempurnaan diri.
The Future not the Past
Humans may not be separated from the past. In the past, every human being has an experience. The experience can vary: embarrassing, pathetic, impressive and also happy.
When considering the past , we could be happy and we’d be back to get a spirit of life, this is certainly not a problem. But when we remember the past, we could be also increasingly feel guilty, “nglokro”, and pessimist, of course this could be dangerous.
The success of our lives would be affected by a noble soul. That is, we should strive to have a noble soul. Among the glory of man is good-spirited forgiving to ourselves and others. The question is: if we remember our past and we could be pessimistic, why do we concern ourselves with remembering the past? What for?.
Once again we must be able to forgive ourselves. We must be sure that, there is no perfect man in the world. Every human being has weaknesses, disgrace etc. If we claim ourselves perfectly, we can be called as a Perfectionist. Being a perfectionist means get ready to be stressful.
Humans may not be separated from the past. In the past, every human being has an experience. The experience can vary: embarrassing, pathetic, impressive and also happy.
When considering the past , we could be happy and we’d be back to get a spirit of life, this is certainly not a problem. But when we remember the past, we could be also increasingly feel guilty, “nglokro”, and pessimist, of course this could be dangerous.
The success of our lives would be affected by a noble soul. That is, we should strive to have a noble soul. Among the glory of man is good-spirited forgiving to ourselves and others. The question is: if we remember our past and we could be pessimistic, why do we concern ourselves with remembering the past? What for?.
Once again we must be able to forgive ourselves. We must be sure that, there is no perfect man in the world. Every human being has weaknesses, disgrace etc. If we claim ourselves perfectly, we can be called as a Perfectionist. Being a perfectionist means get ready to be stressful.