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Senin, 28 Mei 2012

PENGGUNAAN Who, Whom, Whose, Which, dll)

Tetap Semangat Belajar Bahasa Ingris:BelajarWho, Whom, Whose, Which, dll.
A. Penggunaan WHO vs WHOM
Relative pronoun who dan whom dua-duanya berarti “siapa” kalau digunakan dalam kalimat tanya dan noun clause. However, who dan whom dua-duanya akan berarti “yang” kalau digunakan dalam adjective clause.
Dalam formal writing or speaking, penggunaan who dan whom sedikit berbeda.
a. Penggunaan WHO vs WHOM dalam kalimat tanya
Dalam kalimat tanya (interrogative), who digunakan untuk menanyakan subject kalimat.
Pola penggunaan who adalah sebagai berikut:
Who + verb + object + …?
  1. Who has this great car? (Siapa punya mobil bagus ini?).
  2. Who was the first human to set foot on the moon surface? (Siapa orang yang pertama kali menginjakkan kaki di permukaan bulan?).
  3. Who will accompany you to the party? (Siapa yang akan menemani kamu ke pesta itu?).
Kalau ketiga kalimat tanya di atas dijawab, maka akan terlihat bahwa who memang menggantikan subject kalimat.
  1. My father has this great car. Atau disingkat:  My father does.
  2. Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon surface. Atau : Neil Armstrong was.
  3. My cousin will. (Sepupuku).
Whom dalam kalimat tanya (interrogative) digunakan untuk untuk menanyakan object kalimat. Whom tidak pernah digunakan untuk menggantikan subject kalimat. Pola penggunaan whom adalah sebagai berikut:
Whom + auxiliary/kata bantu + subject + verb + …?
  1. Whom do you love more? (Siapa yang lebih kamu cintai?).
  2. For whom did he buy that necklace? For his girl friend? (Untuk siapa dia membeli kalung itu? Untuk pacarnya?).
  3. With whom will you go to the party? (Dengan siapa kamu akan pergi ke pesta itu?).
Walaupun letak whom di awal kalimat, whom ini sebenarnya menanyakan atau menggantikan object kalimat. Perhatikan jawaban dari ketiga pertanyaan di atas berikut ini. (Yang dicetak tebal adalah kata-kata yang digantikan oleh whom dan berfungsi sebagai object kalimat.
  1. I love you more. (Aku lebih mencintai kamu).
  2. No, It was not for his girl friend. He bought that necklace for his sister. (Bukan, kalung itu bukan untuk pacarnya. Dia membeli kalung itu untuk adiknya). Dalam kalimat ini that necklace adalah direct object, sedangkan his sister adalah indirect object.
  3. I will go to the party with my cousin. (Aku akan pergi ke pesta itu dengan sepupuku).
b. Penggunaan WHO vs WHOM dalam noun clause dan adjective clause
Penggunaan who dalam noun clause dan adjective clause adalah sama dengan penggunaan who pada kalimat tanya, yaitu untuk menggantikan orang yang posisinya sebagai subject kalimat.
  1. Would you tell me who has this car? (noun clause)
  2. Neil Armstrong, who was the first human to set foot on the moon surface, is from the United States. (adjective clause).
  3. I’d like to know who will accompany you to the party. (noun clause).
Dan begitu juga dengan penggunaan whom. Pada noun clause dan adjective clause, whom digunakan untuk menggantikan orang yang posisinya sebagai object kalimat. Bedanya dengan kalimat tanya adalah tidak digunakannya atau tidak dilakukan inversi auxiliary ke depan subject kalimat. Dengan kata lain, setelah whom langsung diikuti oleh subject kalimat. Pola ini telah banyak dibahas pada topik: How to Address Questions dan Cara Membuat Embedded Questions.
  1. Please tell me whom you love more! (Tolong kasi tahu aku siapa yang lebih kamu cintai). Noun clause. Perhatikan: kata bantu DO dihilangkan karena kata bantu DO tidak digunakan dalam embedded question.
  2. Do you know for whom he bought that necklace? (Apakah kamu tahu untuk siapa dia membeli kalung itu?). Noun clause.
  3. My cousin with whom I will go to the party is very pretty? (Sepupuku orang yang akan aku ajak ke pesta itu adalah sangat cantik). Adjective clause.
Remember: Selalu gunakan rules di atas in FORMAL writing or formal speaking (misalnya dalam ujian di sekolah dan test TOEFL).
In informal writing or speaking, however, native English speakers lebih sering menggunakan who untuk menggantikan object kalimat.
  1. Please tell me who you love more!
  2. Do you know who he bought that necklace for ?
  3. My cousin who I will go to the party with is very pretty?
Selain itu, bule juga sering menggunakan THAT untuk menggantikan orang yang posisinya sebagai subject dan object kalimat.
  1. The first human that set foot on the moon surface was Neil Armstrong. Adjective clause.
  2. You’d better get dressed now because the beautiful girl that you told me last night will come over to our place in less than an hour. (Kamu sebaiknya ganti pakaian sekarang sebab cewek cantik yang kamu bilang ke aku tadi malam akan mampir ke tempat (rumah) kita dalam waktu kurang dari satu jam).
B. Penggunaan WHOSE
Relative pronoun whose jika digunakan dalam kalimat tanya juga berarti “siapa”, sedangkan jika digunakan dalam noun clause dan adjective clause biasanya diterjemahkan menjadi “nya”. Hal ini tergantung pada konteks kalimat.
a. Penggunaan WHOSE dalam kalimat tanya
Berbeda dengan penggunaan who dan whom, penggunaan whose pada umumnya diikuti oleh noun (i.e. whose + noun), dan digunakan untuk menyatakan kepemilikan  (siapa yang punya) noun tersebut. Pola kalimat tanya yang menggunakan whose adalah:
Whose noun + verb + object + …? (jika yang ditanyakan adalah subject kalimat; Lihat contoh1&2 di bawah)
Whose noun + auxilliary/kata bantu + verb + object + …? (jika yang ditanyakan adalah object kalimat; Lihat contoh 3-4)
  1. Whose car is this? (Mobil siapa ini?) = Who has this car?
  2. Whose money got stolen? (Uang siapa yang dicuri?) = Who has the money that got stolen?
  3. Whose book did you copy? (Buku siapa yang kamu copy?) = Who has the book (that) you copied?
  4. Whose cloth are you wearing? (Bajunya siapa yang sedang kamu pakai?) = Who has the cloth (that) you are wearing?
b. Penggunaan WHOSE dalam noun clause dan adjective clause
Dalam noun clause dan adjective clause, makna whose pada prinsipnya sama dengan his, her, its, dan their.
  1. I know the man whose car was parked in front of your house. (Aku tahu cowok yang mobilnya diparkir di depan rumahmu). Adjective clause. whose car = his car.
  2. The juries are still debating whose performance was the best. (Para juri masih sedang berdebat performa siapa yang terbaik). Noun clause. whose performance = his/her performance.
  3. Some Indonesian people have historic sculptures whose values are inestimable in their house. (Beberapa orang Indonesia punya patung-patung bersejarah yang nilainya tidak dapat diprediksi (saking mahalnya) di rumah mereka).  Adjective clause. whose values = their values.
  4. We will leave the apartment whose rent will soon be sharply increased . (Kami akan meninggalkan (pindah dari) apartement yang sewanya akan segera dinaikkan secara tajam. whose rent = its rent.

Adjective Clause (Penggunaan Who, Whom, Whose, Which, dll)

Adjective Clause dinamakan juga RELATIVE CLAUSE yaitu Clause (anak kalimat) yang digunakan/berfungsi sebagai adjective yang menerangkan keadaan noun atau pronoun. Untuk lebih jelasnya penjelasan mengenai Adjective Clause, perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini:

·         I have read the book (that) you just mentioned.

Main Clause: I have read the book.
Subordinate Clause: (that) you just mentioned.
Anak kalimat menerangkan kata benda the book, disebut dengan Adjective Clause

·         The lesson (that) she is learning is very difficult.

Main Clause: The lesson is very difficult.
Subordinate Clause: (that) she is learning.
Berdasarkan pada the Antecedent yang ditunjuk oleh introductory words (kata-kata pendahulunya), Adjective Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 2 macam, yaitu:

1. Relative Pronoun
·         Kata Ganti Orang

Kata Penghubung yang digunakan adalah : Who, Whom, Whose, That

Fungsi :

a. Subjek:

- He paid the money to the man who / that had done the work

b. Objek Kata Kerja:

- He paid the man whom/that he had hired.

c. Objek Kata Depan:

- He paid the man from whom he had borrowed the money.

d. Kata Ganti Kepunyaan:

- This is the girl whose picture you saw.
·         Benda, Binatang

Kata Penghubung yang digunakan adalah: Which, that


a. Subjek:

- Here is a book which/that describes animals.

b. Objek Kata Kerja:

- The chair which/that he broke is being repaired.

c. Objek Kata Depan:

- She was wearing the coat for which she had paid $2,00.
2. Relative Adverbs
·         Waktu

Kata Penghubung yang digunakan: when

- This is the year when the Olympic Games are held.
·         Tempat

Kata Penghubung yang digunakan: where

- Here is the house where I live.
·         Alasan

Kata Penghubung yang digunakan: when

- Give me one good reason why you did that.

1. Relative Pronoun
Yaitu Adjective Clause dengan memakai kata penghubung Relative Pronoun.

·         The boy is called Bob. He gave me a present.
o    The boy who gave me a present is called Bob. atau
o    The boy who is called Bob gave me a present.
Beberapa contoh Adjective Clause lainnya:

·         The boy whose radio was stolen is a student.
·         The girl whom I gave a special reward is a bright student.
·         The bike which I borrowed last week was sold.
2. Relative Adverb
Pelajaran tentang ini dibahas lebih lengkap pada Relative Clause. Hal-hal yang perlu ditambahkan di sini, yaitu:

·         Kata Why (yang menunjukkan alasan) yang menjadi Adverb penghubung, mungkin (kadang-kadang) dapat digantikan dengan that atau kadang-kadang dapat dihilangkan dalam kalimat.

- The reason (that) I came should be obvious to you.
- The reason (why) I came should be obvious to you.
- The reason I came should be obvious to you.
·         When atau Where Bering dapat Baling ditukarkan dengan Preposition yang menunjukkan tempat (a preposition of Place) ditambah dengan Which.

- The small town in which (= where) I was born has grown to a large metropolis.
- The day on which (= when) they were to leave finally arrived.
Kadang-kadang that dapat menggantikan where atau when.

·         The day that (or when, on which) the trial was to take place was a stormy one.
·         Please suggest a good place that (or where) we can meet
Beberapa Hal Penting yang Berkaitan dengan Adjective Clause

·         Perubahan dari Adjective Clause menjadi Adjective Phrase.
o    Adjective Clause dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase yang menjelaskan noun tanpa ada perubahan arti kalimat.
o    Hanya Adjective Clause yang mempunyai subjek pronoun: who, which atau that yang dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase.
o    Adjective Clause dengan subjek: whom tidak dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase.

Perhatikan Contoh berikut:

a. Adjective Clause

* The girl who is sitting next to me is Lisa.
==> The boy is playing the piano is Bent.

b. Adjective Phrase

* The girl sitting next to me is Lisa.
==> The boy playing the piano is Bent.
·         Cara mengubah Adjective Clause menjadi Adjective Phrase.

(1) Subjek pronoun dan verb be dihilangkan.

* Adjective Clause: The man who is talking to Taylor is from Japan.
* Adjective Phrase: The man talking to Taylor is from Japan.

* Adjective Clause: The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.
* Adjective Phrase: The ideas presented in that book are interesting.

* Adjective Clause: Ali is the man who is responsible for preparing the budget.
* Adjective Phrase: Ali is the man responsible for preparing the budget.

* Adjective Clause: The books that are on the shelf are mine.
* Adjective Phrase: The books on the shelf are mine.

(2) Jika tidak ada verb be dalam Adjective Clause, seringkali subjek pronoun dapat dihilangkan dan mengubah kata kerja dalam Clause itu menjadi bentuk -ing.

* Adjective Clause: English has an alphabet that consists of 26 letters.
* Adjective Phrase: English has an alphabet  consisting of 26 letters.

* Adjective Clause: Anyone who wants to come with us is welcome.
* Adjective Phrase: Anyone wanting to come with us is welcome.
·         Seringkali Adjective Clause digunakan dalam pola: noun + of which. Pola ini terutama digunakan untuk tulisan bahasa Inggris resmi (formal written English). Dalam pola ini biasanya Adjective Clause menerangkan "sesuatu".

* We have an antique table. The top of it has jade inlay.
o    We have an antique table, the top of which has jade inlay.
o    We toured a 300-year-old house. The exterior of the house consisted of logs cemented with clay.
o    We toured a 300-year-old house, the exterior of which consisted of logs cemented with lay.
·         Adjective Clause sering digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kuantitas dengan of. Ungkapan kuantitas mendahului pronoun, dan hanya whom, which, dan whose yang digunakan dalam pola ini.

Ungkapan kuantitas dengan "of" antara lain: some of, none of, both of, one of, many of, two of, all of, each of, most of, dll.

* There are 20 students in my class. Most of them are from the Outside Java.
--> There are 20 students in my class, most of whom are from the Outside Java.

* He gave several reasons. Only a few of them were valid.
--> He gave several reasons, only a few of which were valid.
·         Tanda Baca pada Adjective Clauses

Pedoman umum dalam Tanda Baca pada Adjective Clauses yaitu:
o    Jangan menggunakan tanda koma bila Adjective Clause diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi noun yang dijelaskan olehnya.
o    Gunakanlah tanda koma bila Adjective Clause hanya berfungsi untuk memberi informasi tambahan dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi noun yang dijelaskan olehnya.
§  Henry whose wife works at a bank came to my house yesterday.
§  Alex, whose wife works at a bank, came to my house yesterday.


Contoh pertama menggambarkan bahwa Henry memiliki lebih dari 1 istri. Pada kalimat tersebut pembicara ingin mengindentifikasikan istrinya yang bekerja di Bank, bukan yang lainnya.

Sedangkan pada kalimat kedua, kita sudah jelas, kalau Alex memiliki hanya 1 orang istri. Frase yang berada di antara koma hanya memberikan keterangan tambahan saja. Tanpa frase tersebut pun orang lain sudah mengetahuinya kalau istrinya Alex memang bekerja di sebuah Bank karena memang istrinya cuma 1 itu.

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini untuk lebih jelasnya dalam penggunaan tanda koma dalam Adjective Clause.
o    Soekarno, who is the first President of Republic of Indonesia, could deliver speech well.
Perbedaan antara Adjective Clause dan Noun Clause

Karena adanya kesamaan dalam beberapa kata pendahulunya, maka kadang-kadang antara Noun Clause dan Adjective Clause sering membingungkan.

Ada 2 macam perbedaan yang penting antara dua jenis Clause tersebut: perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

·         Adjective Clause biasanya didahului oleh noun atau pronoun yang diterangkan.

Adjective Clause
o    I know the house where he lives.
(where he lives mempunyai antecedent the house, yang merupakan objek dari kata know)

Noun Clause
o    I know where he lives.
(where he lives adalah objek dari kata know)
Preposisi yang mendahului introductory word adalah milik Adjective Clause dan bukan milik Noun Clause.

Adjective Clause
·         The woman to whom he has been giving money is a poor relative of his.
(Adjective Clause dimulai dengan to yang merupakan bentuk a prepositional phrase dengan whom dalam Adjective Clause itu. Dan To dapat diletakkan di bagian belakang Adjective Clause. The woman, whom he has been giving money to, is a poor relative of his).

Noun Clause
·         He gives money to whoever needs it.
(The Noun Clause dimulai dengan whoever, seluruh Noun Clause itu adalah objek dari to, yang tidak dapat dipindah letaknya. Dan juga -ever- merupakan bentuk yang hanya bergandeng (mengikuti) dengan Noun Clause.

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Four Pillars of learning (Empat Pilar Pembelajaran menurut UNESCO)

Maskatno Giri tries to be kind and not to be arrogant. Almost everyday,  he  shares  many good things through his blog. 

He hopes the readers of his blog and he are getting  more successful.

Here they are the pillars  of learning based on UNESCO’s Report of the International Commission on Education for the 21st century. Yap, ideally, Education must be organized around 4 fundamental types of learning.
Learning to know: It may be regarded as both a means and an end of human existence. People have to learn to understand the world around them.

Learning to do: Learning must transform certified skills into personal competence. It is assessed by looking at a mix of skills and talents, social behavior, personal initiative and a willingness to work. These are often referred to as interpersonal skills or peoples’ skills by employers. Knowledge along with other qualities like communication, team building and problem solving skills is most demanded by the service sector these days.
People must learn to act appropriately in any kind of situation and they must become involved in shaping the future.

Learning to be: The aim of development is the complete fulfillment of man and his development in a holistic way as an individual, member of a family and community and as a responsible citizen.
Learning to live together: development in a holistic way as an individual, member of a family and community and as a responsible citizen.
Education should help in inculcating a spirit of empathy in students so that it can have a positive effect on their social behavior throughout their lives. Understanding each other, resolving conflicts through dialogue and discussion should be the essential tools of present day education.


Represented By MasKatnoGiri
 Kahlil Gibran
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.

Indonesian  version
Anakmu bukanlah milikmu,
mereka adalah putra putri sang Hidup,
yang rindu akan dirinya sendiri.
Mereka lahir lewat engkau,
tetapi bukan dari engkau,
mereka ada padamu, tetapi bukanlah milikmu.
Berikanlah mereka kasih sayangmu,
namun jangan sodorkan pemikiranmu,
sebab pada mereka ada alam pikiran tersendiri.
Patut kau berikan rumah bagi raganya,
namun tidak bagi jiwanya,
sebab jiwa mereka adalah penghuni rumah masa depan,
yang tiada dapat kau kunjungi,
sekalipun dalam mimpimu.
Engkau boleh berusaha menyerupai mereka,
namun jangan membuat mereka menyerupaimu,
sebab kehidupan tidak pernah berjalan mundur,
ataupun tenggelam ke masa lampau.
Engkaulah busur asal anakmu,
anak panah hidup, melesat pergi.
Sang Pemanah membidik sasaran keabadian,
Dia merentangkanmu dengan kuasaNya,
hingga anak panah itu melesat jauh dan cepat.
Bersukacitalah dalam rentangan tangan Sang Pemanah,
sebab Dia mengasihi anak-anak panah yang melesat laksana kilat,
sebagaimana dikasihiNya pula busur yang mantap.


Collected by MasKatnoGiri
  1. The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.  ~Mohammed
  2. You learn something every day if you pay attention.  ~Ray LeBlond
  3. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.  ~Chinese Proverb
  4. All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind.  ~Martin H. Fischer
  5. You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.
  6.   ~Clay P. Bedford
  7. Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study.  Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life. 
  8. ~Henry L. Doherty
  9. I am learning all the time.  The tombstone will be my diploma.  ~Eartha Kitt
  10. It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.  ~Attributed to Harry S Truman
  11. A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.  ~Chinese Proverb
  12. In the spider-web of facts, many a truth is strangled.  ~Paul Eldridge
  13. When the student is ready, the master appears.  ~Buddhist Proverb
  14. Give me a fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections.  You can keep your sterile truth for yourself.  ~Vilfredo Pareto
  15. It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to question it.  ~Jacob Bronowski
  16. Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.  ~Mark Twain
  17. Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
  18. You learn something every day if you pay attention.  ~Ray LeBlond
  19. The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue.  ~Antisthenes
  20. Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon.  ~Alexander Pope
  21. Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every conceived notion, follow humbly wherever and whatever abysses nature leads, or you will learn nothing.  ~Thomas Huxley
  22. Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves.  ~Abbé Dimnet, Art of Thinking, 1928
  23. I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.  ~Abraham Lincoln
  24. I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.  ~Winston Churchill
  25. The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.  ~Mortimer Adler
  26. There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm.  ~Willa Cather
  27. There are many things which we can afford to forget which it is yet well to learn.  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

  1. I am defeated, and know it, if I meet any human being from whom I find myself unable to learn anything.  ~George Herbert Palmer
  2. Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.  ~Vernon Howard
  3. Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before.  ~Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
  4. I find four great classes of students:  The dumb who stay dumb.  The dumb who become wise.  The wise who go dumb.  The wise who remain wise.  ~Martin H. Fischer
  5. No matter how one may think himself accomplished, when he sets out to learn a new language, science, or the bicycle, he has entered a new realm as truly as if he were a child newly born into the world.  ~Frances Willard, How I Learned to Ride the Bicycle
  6. Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.  ~Henry Ford
  7. It is not hard to learn more.  What is hard is to unlearn when you discover yourself wrong.  ~Martin H. Fischer
  8. Each day learn something new, and just as important, relearn something old.  ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com
  9. If the past cannot teach the present and the father cannot teach the son, then history need not have bothered to go on, and the world has wasted a great deal of time.  ~Russell Hoban
  10. You have learned something.  That always feels at first as if you had lost something.  ~H.G. Wells
  11. I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.  ~Dudley Field Malone
  12. Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem.  That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily.  ~Thomas Szasz
  13. I am what the librarians have made me with a little assistance from a professor of Greek and a few poets.  ~Bernard Keble Sandwell
  14. Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later.  ~Dana Stewart Scott
  15. His studies were pursued but never effectually overtaken.  ~H.G. Wells
  16. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.  ~Alvin Toffler
  17. Learning is a lifetime process, but there comes a time when we must stop adding and start updating.  ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com
  18. Learning without thought is labor lost.  ~Confucius
  19. The pupil can only educate himself.  Teachers are the custodians of apparatus upon which he himself must turn and twist to acquire the excellencies that distinguish the better from the poorer of God's vessels.  ~Martin H. Fischer
  20. The best of my education has come from the public library... my tuition fee is a bus fare and once in a while, five cents a day for an overdue book.  You don't need to know very much to start with, if you know the way to the public library.  ~Lesley Conger
  21. The man who is too old to learn was probably always too old to learn.  ~Henry S. Haskins
  22. We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.  ~Lloyd Alexander
  23. You don't understand anything until you learn it more than one way.  ~Marvin Minsky
  24. The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn.  ~John Lubbock
  25. A watched child never learns.  ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com
  26. Learning is like rowing upstream:  not to advance is to drop back.  ~Chinese Proverb
  27. People learn something every day, and a lot of times it's that what they learned the day before was wrong.  ~Bill Vaughan