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Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Penggunaan Article A, An, dan The

Penggunaan Article A, An, dan The
Perbedaan penggunaan article A vs AN.
Sebagai article, ‘ a ‘ dan ‘ an ‘ artinya adalah satu. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kedua article ini dapat diterjemahkan menjadi sebuah/seorang/seekor/sehelai dst. Hal ini tergantung dari noun yang mengikutinya. Misalnya,
  • an apple = sebuah apel
  • a lady = seorang wanita
  • a tiger = seekor harimau
  • a leaf = sehelai daun, dst.
Penggunaan A dan AN
1. a dan an hanya dapat diikuti oleh singular nouns (benda tunggal), tetapi tidak pernah secara langsung diikuti oleh uncountable nouns (benda tidak dapat dihitung). Olehnya itu, akan INCORRECT jika anda menulis,
  • I need a water. (water: uncountable noun)
  • I just ate a bread. (bread: uncountable noun)
  • She just heard a bad news about her parents. (news: uncountable noun)
Kalimat ini akan menjadi benar jika article a dihilangkan atau jika di depan uncountable nouns (i.e. water dan bread) ditambahkan penakar (container) atau pengukur yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan berapa banyak/volume/ukuran dari uncountable nouns tersebut.
  • I need water. Atau I need a glass of water.
  • I just ate bread. Atau: I just ate a big slice of bread.
  • She just heard bad news about her parents. Atau: She just heard a piece of bad news about her parents.
Kapan kita gunakan a dan kapan kita gunakan an dapat dibaca pada topik Noun : Countable. Selain itu, noun yang tergolong ke dalam uncountable noun juga harus diketahui, sebab article a dan an tidak digunakan jika diikuti oleh uncountable nouns.
2. a dan an digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah singular noun secara umum (in general).
  1. A football is usually made of leather. ( leather = kulit. Note: dalam konteks ini, jangan gunakan kata skin. Leather adalah animal skin yang sudah diolah).
  2. An artist should keep a good relationship with fans.
3. a dan an digunakan untuk merujuk ke sebuah singular noun yang belum pernah disebutkan sebelumnya.
  1. I met a guy last night.
  2. My company just built a new skyscraper. (skyscraper = gedung pencakar langit)
Penggunaan article THE
Ada beberapa rules yang harus anda pahami dalam penggunaan article the.
1. The umumnya digunakan untuk merujuk noun yang sudah pernah disebutkan sebelumnya. Dengan adanya the, noun yang dimaksud menjadi lebih spesifik. Noun tersebut bisa countable, bisa juga uncountable noun. Jika countable noun, noun tersebut bisa singular, bisa juga plural. Dalam hal ini, the dapat berarti tersebut atau itu, atau kadang-kadang ini.
  1. I met a guy last night. The guy asked my number and whether I would go out for a date. (number = nomor telepon, date = kencan). Dalam kalimat ini, the bisa digantikan dengan that.
  2. The water in my well is contaminated. (well = sumur, contaminated = terkontaminasi). Dalam kalimat ini, the tidak pas kalau digantikan dengan that, karena “water” di kalimat ini sudah diterangkan oleh “in my well“. Coba terjemahkan, terasa janggal bukan?
  3. Three students didn’t perform well in my exam. The (three) students hadn’t studied hard enough before the exam. Dalam kalimat ini, kata three adalah optional: bisa digunakan, bisa juga dihilangkan, karena maknanya sudah dipahami oleh lawan bicara atau pembaca. Di kalimat ini, the dapat digantikan dengan those/these. Jika anda masih ragu dalam penggunaan those/these, akan lebih aman jika anda gunakan the.
  4. There are many persons named Agnes Monica on Facebook. You will have hard time to find the Agnes Monica who sings Matahariku.
Sebaliknya, the tidak digunakan jika kita membicarakan uncountable nouns atau plural nouns secara umum (in general).
  1. Water needs to be conserved. (Air perlu dikonservasi/dilindungi).
  2. Sugar is sweet. (Gula (rasanya) manis).
  3. Durians are very smelly. (Duarian-durian sangat bau/baunya keras).
  4. Lazy students hardly get good grades. (Murid-murid yang malas hampir tidak pernah mendapat nilai-nilai bagus).
2. Kata seperti breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper (= dinner), school, church, home, dan college pada umumnya tidak membutuhkan article. Tetapi, jika noun ini dirujuk, barulah article the diperlukan.
  1. We go to school everyday. Starting next week, however, the school will be bulldozed by the government. (be bulldozed = diratakan dengan tanah dengan menggunakan bulldozer).
  2. Jenny and I just finished having lunch at the cafetaria. I thanked her because she paid for the lunch.
  3. I am very tired. I’d like to go home.
3. Rules yang lain dalam menentukan apakah the digunakan atau tidak, dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut. Note: the yang digunakan pada nouns di tabel berikut pada umumnya tidak berarti “tersebut”, olehnya itu, tidak dapat digantikan dengan that.

Gunakan THE untuk:
Jangan gunakan THE untuk:
Nama samudra, laut, sungai, teluk, plural lakes (nama danau yang terdiri dari 2 danau atau lebih).
Contoh: the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Java Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes, the Citarum River
Nama danau
Contoh: Lake Toba, Lake Batur, Lake Erie
Nama pegunungan
Contoh: the Rocky Mountains, the Andes, the Bukit Barisan
Nama gunung
Contoh: Mount Merapi, Mount Semeru, Mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Everest.
Earth, moon, sun
Contoh: the earth, the moon, the sun
Nama planet (selain bumi), rasi bintang
Contoh: Mars, Venus, Orion,
Nama sekolah, universitas, college jika sekolah, universitas, college ditempatkan di depan.
Contoh: the School of Cooper’s Art, the University of Gadjah Mada, the college of Arts and Sciences.
Nama sekolah, universitas, college jika sekolah, universitas, college ditempatkan di belakang.
Contoh: Cooper’s Art school, Gadjah Mada University, Sante Fe Community College.
Ordinal number sebelum nouns
Contoh: the Second World War, the third chapter
Cardinal number setelah nouns
Contoh: World War Two, Chapter three.
Nama perang (kecuali perang dunia)
Contoh: the Korean War, the Crimean War, the Civil War
Nama negara yang terdiri dari 2 kata atau lebih (kecuali Great Britain)
Contoh: the United States of America, the Central African Republic
Nama negara jika hanya terdiri dari satu kata
Contoh: Indonesia, China, Canada, France
Nama benua
Contoh: Asia, Europe, South America.
Nama state/province
Contoh: Florida, Ohio, California, Manitoba, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Utara.
Dokumen bersejarah
Contoh: the constitution, the Magna Carta
Nama Olahraga
Contoh: basketball, football, tennis
Noun abstract
Contoh: freedom, happiness
Bidang ilmu
Contoh: mathematics, Economics, sociology
Nama hari raya
Contoh: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Idul Fitri, Independence day

  1. Bryan Adams was born in Canada, but he lives in Great Britain. Celine Dion is also a Canadian born singer, but she lives in the United States now.
  2. The Great Lakes consist of five lakes one of which is Lake Ontario.
  3. The earth travels around the sun, and so does Mars.

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Narrative texs

Text 1
A dog was proud of himself. He had found a big, juicy bone at the market. He quickly carried it in his mouth and ran off to find a place to eat it.
He came to a stream which had very clear water. He started to walk across it. He was thinking what a wonderful time he would have when he could eat the whole juicy bone, all by himself.
Suddenly, he stopped and looked down into the water. He saw a dog there looking back at him, also with a bone in his mouth. He didn’t aware he’s looking at himself.
He said to himself, “the dog’s bone looks bigger than mine; I’ll grab his bone and run away as fast as I can”
1.       Where did the dog get a bone?

A.    In the swimming pool

B.    At the river

C.    In the water

D.    At the stream

E.    At the market

2.       What actually did the dog see the water?
a.       His shadow
b.      His friend
c.       Another dog
d.      Cat
e.      A bone
3.       What is the purpose of the text?
a.       To tell past event
b.      To persuade the reader
c.       To discuss about the dog
d.      To entertain the reader
e.      To describe the dog
4.       Where did the dog get a bone?
a.       In the swimming pool
b.      At the river
c.       In the water
d.      At the stream
e.      At the market
5.       What actually did the dog see the water?
a.       His shadow
b.      His friend
c.       Another dog
d.      Cat
e.      A bone
6.       What is the purpose of the text?
a.       To tell past event
b.      To persuade the reader
c.       To discuss about the dog
d.      To entertain the reader
e.      To describe the dog
Text 2
John slumped in the beanbag. His arms crossed and his face with gloomy frown. He was a new kid in the town but no one knew he was even there. John wasn’t the type or person you can have fun with. He didn’t like anybody and they didn’t like him too. All day he sat hunched in the bean bag staring blankly out of the window.
                Through the window, he caught a glimpse of a gigantic hollow tree in a vacant lot. The tree seemed to beckon him. He stood slowly up as if he was in a trance, and then started to walk towards the tree. Its branches were scraggly and tough, its roots dug into the ground like claws. The tree had thorns all over it and vines hung around it. John tried to run away but he couldn’t. A mysterious force was pulling him into the hollow.
                John never reappeared…
7.       Supposed that you know John, I don’t think that you will like him, why?
a.       Because he is terrible strange
b.      Because he likes to harm somebody else
c.       Because he dislikes to be in peace
d.      Because he dares to do something
e.      Because he is often sleepy

8.       Which statement isn’t true according to the text?
a.       John went to faraway place
b.      The tree swallowed John into the hollow
c.       John liked to be alone
d.      John was ignored by the others
e.      John did nothing all day but daydreaming

A fisherman set off for a day’s fishing. His first catch was full of stones. The second was just weeds. Then in his net he caught a beautiful golden fish. The fish spoke to the fisherman, promising to grant him any wish if he let him go. But the fisherman was kind and let him go for nothing.
When he returned to his wife, she was furious that there was no fish for supper, and when she heard the story of the golden fish, she made her husband go back to the sea. “Ask the fish for a new washtub,” she said.
The fish granted the wish, but the fisherman’s wife was not satisfied. She insisted that her husband went back and asked for a new cottage – and the fish provided it.
But the greedy wife asked for more and more. After the cottage she wanted fine clothes and a castle with servants. Then she asked to be a queen in a grand palace. All this the golden fish provided, until he heard the greedy wife’s final request. She asked to be made queen of the sea, and to have the golden fish as her servant to do anything she asked. At this the fish swam away, and when the fisherman returned home, he found his wife in front of their old, broken-down cottage, dressed in her old clothes, with the same leaky old washtub as before.
1. The fisherman let the fish go because ….
    A. he didn’t want the fish
    B. he was afraid of the fish
    C. the fish would grant him any wish
    D. he was a good man
    E. he wanted to catch another fish
2. When the fisherman returned home ….
     A. he had to cook supper for them both
     B. his wife had already cooked dinner
     C. his wife told him that she just had bought fish for dinner
     D. his wife was very angry
     E. he was so angry to his wife because she didn’t cook any food
3. The fisherman’s wife ….
    A. wanted to go back to the sea with her husband
    B. wanted to cook the golden fish
    C. was happy because her husband had released the fish
    D. wanted to help her husband to catch the fish
    E. wanted a new cottage after she had got the washtub
4. The greedy wife ….
    A. was so pleased with what she had got
    B. agreed for what her husband had done
    C. wanted to thank to the golden fish
    D. didn’t satisfied with what she had got
    E. was so grateful for what she had got.
5. She insisted that her husband went back and asked for a new cottage…
    (paragraph 3). The underlined word is synonymous to…
    A. fulfill
    B. release   
    C. demand
    D. provide
    E. advise
Text 4 is for questions 6-9
Once upon a time there was a lazy son of poor Chinese tailor, known as Aladdin.
One day after his father’s death, he met a magician who posed as his uncle and persuaded Aladdin to retrieve a wonderful lamp from a hidden cave. When Aladdin failed to give the lamp to the magician before emerging from the cave, the magician became enraged and sealed the cave, leaving Aladdin to die.
In his misery Aladdin wept and wrung his hands, releasing a genie from a ring the magician had given him. The genie freed Aladdin who soon discovered that the lamp also produced powerful genies when rubbed. They granted Aladdin his every wish, and eventually became immensely wealthy and married the daughter of the sultan.
The magician returned to steal the lamp, but was defeated, as was his evil brother who also tried to gain the lamp.
                Free of these enemies, Aladdin lived a long happy life and succeeded the sultan to the throne.
6. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
    A. Aladdin failed to get the magic lamp.
    B. Aladdin met a magician who asked him to find the magic lamp.
    C. Aladdin and his struggle to get the magic lamp  
    D. Aladdin met a genie who would grant Aladdin’s every wish.
    E. The magician sealed Aladdin and let him die.
7. ‘He met a magician who posed as his uncle’ [paragraph 2]. What will be the best
     clauses forming the complex sentences?    
     A. He met a magician. The magician posed as his uncle.
     B. He met a magician. The magician was posing as his uncle.
     C. He meets a magician. The magician posed as his uncle.
     D. He met a magician. The magician had posed as his uncle.
     E. He will meet a magician. The magician posed as his uncle.
8. The sentences are true according to the text, EXCEPT…
    A. Aladdin was not successful to give the lamp to the magician.  
    B. The genie ignored his promise to grant Aladdin’s wish.
    C. The magician was going mad when Aladdin couldn’t give the magic lamp.
    D. Aladdin finally turned to be a rich man.
    E. The story is about Aladdin and the magic lamp.
9. Who helped Aladdin to get out from the cave?
    A. the helpful magician
    B. Aladdin himself
    C. the genie
    D. Aladdin’s uncle
    E. his evil brother

Text 5
Once upon a time there were two sisters. One of them was rich but had no children, while the other was a poor widow who had five children.
One day, the poor widow no longer had enough food to satisfy her self and her children. In her need, therefore, she went to her sister and said, “My children and I are suffering the greatest hunger. You are my beloved sister and you are rich. Please, give me a mouthful of bread.”
The very rich sister was too stingy to give some food to her sister and said, “I myself have nothing in the house,” and she drove away her sister with trash words.
After some time, the husband of the rich sister came home and was just going to cut himself a piece of bread. When he made the first cut into the loaf, out flowed red blood.
When the maid saw that, she was very terrified and told him what his wife had done to the poor widow. After hearing the maid’s story, the husband hurried away to help the poor widow and her children. But when he entered the widow’s room, he found her praying. She had her two youngest children in her arms and the three eldest were lying dead. He offered her food, but she refused it and answered,” We no longer have desire for food. God has already satisfied the hunger of the three of us, and He will listen to our supplications likewise.”
After she uttered these words, the two little ones drew their last breath. Five seconds later, the poor widow fell down and died.”

6. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
    A. To tell the readers not to be stingy.
    B. To tell the reader the writer’s experience trough a sequence of events.
    C. To describe the widow and her sister.
    D. To amuse the reader trough a story.
    E. To deal with news worthy situation.
7. Why did the poor widow come to her sister’s dwelling?
    A. to ask for some food.
    B. to find a shelter.
    C. to satisfy her children.
    D. she wanted to leave her children.
    E. to look for a job.
8. What happened after the husband heard what had happened to the poor widow?
    A. three of the poor widow’s children were lying dead.
    B. he rushed to help the poor widow.
    C. he prayed for the widow and her children.
    D. he went to the table and sliced a loaf.
    E. he offered the poor widow some food.
9. “He will listen to our supplications likewise.” [paragraph 5]. The underlined word is synonymous to…
    A. humble.
    B. simple.
    C. simplicity.
    D. kind.
    E. sympathy.

Once upon a time in the middle of the forest there lived a prince who lived with his father, the king. They lived in a castle at the edge of a river. The prince had a wonderful voice. Usually he'd go out into the forest and sing. And usually the animals would get attracted to his voice.
 Now the keeper of the animals did not like the animals going out into the forest. He had to do something about the prince. For many years he had been thinking, and thinking, and thinking. Finally he thought of something.
After the prince was old enough his father asked him to marry Sabrina. The prince did not know what to say, but he did not want to hurt his father's feelings, and he did think that Sabrina was a nice girl. So he agreed.
Meanwhile the keeper of the animals watched the prince come out of the castle. He aimed his gun and fired at him and killed him. The animals cried. The prince went into heaven. Two angels appeared out of nowhere and said "We will let you back on earth but we will have to make one small change". Before his eyes he was back on earth but then he looked at himself, he was covered in feathers! The angels had turned him into a hummingbird. And that's how the hummingbird got its hum.

28.   The story mainly tells us about ….
a.       A king and a princess.
b.      Beautiful princess named Sabrina.
c.       How the hummingbird got its hum
d.      The angels that turned into a hummingbird.
e.      The keeper of the animals who killed a hummingbird.
29.   “For many years he had been thinking, and thinking… Finally he thought of something.”
             What did he want to do?
a.       To kill the prince.
b.      To marry Sabrina.
c.       To watch the prince.
d.      To shoot a hummingbird.
e.      To make one small change.
30.   Why do you think the writer wrote this story?
            Because he wanted ….
a.       to retell past events.
b.      to describe hummingbirds.
c.       to retell a history of hummingbird.
d.      to entertain readers with a legend.
e.      to explain the process of hummingbird got its hum.
31.   “And usually the animals would get attracted to his voice.”
The underlined word is synonymous with ….
  1. agitated.
  2. annoyed.
  3. fascinated.
  4. exhausted.
  5. humiliated.


Once there was an Indian who had a pet fish named Tommy, which he kept in a barrel. But the fish got pretty big and the Indian had to change the water a good deal to keep him alive. He was too lazy to do that, and he thought he would teach the fish to live without water. So he did. He began by taking Tommy out of the barrel for a few minutes, at a time, pretty often, and then he took him out oftener and kept him out longer, and after a time Tommy dot so how he could stay out a good while if he was in the wet grass.
The Indian found he could leave him in the wet grass all night, and pretty soon that fish could live in the shade whether the grass was wet or not. By that time he had got pretty tame, too, and he used to follow the Indian around a good deal, and when the Indian went out to dig worms for him to eat, Tommy went a long too and got some for himself. The Indian thought everything of that fish, and when Tommy got so he didn’t need any water at al, but could go anywhere-down the dusty road and stay all day out in the hot sun-you never saw the Indian without the fish. Some people wanted to buy Tommy, but the Indian said he wouldn’t sell a fish like that for any money. You would see him coming to town with Tommy following a long the road behind, just like a dog, only of course he traveled a good deal like a snake, and almost as fast.
Well, it was pretty sad that the way that Indian lost his fish, and it was unusual too. He started for town one day with Tommy coming along behind as usual. There was a bridge in the road and the Indian came to it where he saw there was a hole in it, but he went on over it without thinking. A little later he look around for Tommy and Tommy was not there. He went back a way and called, but he couldn’t see anything of his pet. Then he came to the bridge and saw the hole, and he thought right a way that maybe his fish had got in there. So, he went to the hole and look down, and sure enough, there was Tommy, floating on the water, bottom-side up. He had fallen that hole into the river and drowned.

1.       The genre of the text above is ……….
a. procedure              b. recount           c. spoof                                d. report              e. narrative
2.       What is the social function of the text?
a.       to give detail information about the story
b.       to amuse people
c.        to give information about natural phenomenon
d.       to give instruction
e.       to explain an event
3.       What tense used in the text?
a.       simple present tense
b.       simple past tense
c.        simple future tense
d.       present perfect tense
e.       past perfect tense
4. Melissa            : Who is Tommy?
    Freddy              : I think Tommy is …
  1. The Indian’s name
  2. The Indian’s fish
  3. The Indian’s friend
  4. The Indian’s barrel
  5. All are correct
5. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
  1. How the Indian trained the fish to live out of water
  2. How the Indian trained the fish to walk out of  water
  3. How the Indian trained the fish to dig for worms
  4. How the Indian trained the fish to be tame so he could sell it
  5. The fish can run like a snake
6. What is the cause of the Tommy’s death? He died because he …
a.       drowned in the hole
b.      drowned in the water
c.       fallen in the hot road
d.      fallen down to the hole
e.      following the Indian
7. …, and the Indian came to it where he saw … (pr.3 line 3) the world refers to  …
a.       the Indian
b.      the grass
c.       great deal
d.      the pet fish
e.      the bridge
8. The following information are false, except …
  1. Tommy is the Indian’s friend
  2. Tommy can walk like a human by using legs
  3. The Indian will sell the fish if someone wants to buy it in high price
  4. Tommy died because of hot sun
  5. Tommy fell down to the river through a hole on the bridge