DAFTAR LABELKU (klik saja jangan ragu-ragu)

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

10 M Menuju Pribadi Sukses Oleh MasKatno Giri

10 M Menuju Pribadi Sukses :
  1. Meraih Keunggulan: keunggulan di sini dimaknai menjadi manusia yang berkualitas lebih dibanding orang lain. Contoh orang lain secara umum malas beribadah, calon orang sukses rajin beribadah. Orang lain malas belajar calon orang sukses rajin belajar.
  2. Memiliki Keuletan: Ketangguhan, keuletan (persistent) sangat diperlukan sebagai modal utama meraih sukses, karena jalan menuju sukses tidak semulus yang dibayangkan.
  3. Menentukan Tujuan: menentukan tujuan-tujuan hidup. Yakinlah hidup ini selamanya, dalam artian hidup ini akan berlangsung terus, walau secara fisik kita mati. Namun masih ada kehidupan setelah mati.
  4. Menyususn Rencana: menetapkan tujuan-tujuan Anda dalam program-program kerja dan jangka waktu tertentu (timing) yang bisa dijalankan.
  5. Menyusun Prioritas: menentukan mana yang harus dilakukan pertama, kedua dan seterusnya, mana yang terpenting kemudian yang penting dari tujuan-tujuan, tugas-tugas dan kewajiban-kewajiban dalam hidup ini.
  6. Menaruh  Perhatian: memberikan perhatian terhadap tugas dan tanggung jawab atau kerja yang ada dihadapan Anda dan langsung mengerjakannya tanpa menunggu-nunggu lagi. Sebagaimana juga memfokuskan perhatian dalam spesialisai, bidang atau keahlian yang Anda yakinin bisa berprestasi dan kreatif dalam bidang tersebut.
  7. Manajemen Waktu Efektif: memanfaatkan waktu yang ada dan menggunakannya sebaik-baiknya untuk mengembangkan keahlian-keahlian dan potensi kita agar tercapai tujuan-tujuan penting yang kita cita-citakan.
  8. Melawan Diri Sendiri: usaha yang terus-menerus untuk mengalahkan ego, menundukkan nafsu, mengarahkannya dan membiasakannya menghadapi tanggung-jawab dan resiko-resikonya, serta sabar dan teguh dalam prinsip-prinsip, nilai-nilai dan beberapa kewajiban agar tercapai kehidupan mulia yang kita idam-idamkan.
  9. Menghargai: kemampuan untuk menghargai orang lain. Bertujuan untuk memberikan pengaruh yang positif dalam hidup orang lain dan supaya bisa hidup bersama orang lain dalam suasana nyaman.
  10. Memiliki Pikiran Positif: melihat dari sisi positif dalam semua hal, manusia dan peristiwa. Juga berpikir dengan cara yang didominasi unsur positif, prasangka baik, optimis dan berusaha mengikis pikiran jelek.


Meenurut Marc & Angel (2007) bahwa kedewasaan seseorang bukanlah terletak pada ukuran usianya, tetapi sejauhmana tingkat  kematangan emosional yang dimilikinya. Berikut ini beberapa ciri kedewasaan seseorang dilihat dari kematangan emosionalnya:
  1. Tumbuhnya kesadaran bahwa kematangan bukanlah  suatu keadaan tetapi merupakan sebuah proses berkelanjutan dan secara terus menerus berupaya melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan diri.
  2. Memiliki kemampuan mengelola diri  dari perasaan cemburu dan iri hati.
  3. Memiliki kemampuan untuk mendengarkan dan mengevaluasi dari sudut pandang orang lain.
  4. Memiliki kemampuan memelihara kesabaran dan fleksibilitas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
  5. Memiliki kemampuan menerima fakta bahwa seseorang tidak selamanya dapat menjadi pemenang dan mau belajar dari berbagai kesalahan dan kekeliruan atas berbagai hasil yang telah dicapai.
  6. Tidak berusaha menganalisis  secara berlebihan atas hasil-hasil negatif yang diperolehnya, tetapi justru dapat memandangnya sebagai hal yang positif  tentang keberadaan dirinya.
  7. Memiliki kemampuan membedakan antara pengambilan keputusan rasional dengan dorongan emosionalnya (emotional impulse).
  8. Memahami bahwa tidak akan ada kecakapan atau kemampuan tanpa adanya  tindakan persiapan.
  9. Memiliki kemampuan mengelola kesabaran dan kemarahan.
  10. Memiliki kemampuan menjaga perasaan orang lain dalam benaknya dan berusaha  membatasi sikap egois.
  11. Memiliki kemampuan membedakan antara kebutuhan (needs) dengan keinginan (wants).
  12. Memiliki kemampuan menampilkan keyakinan diri tanpa menunjukkan sikap arogan (sombong).
  13. Memiliki kemampuan mengatasi setiap tekanan (pressure) dengan penuh kesabaran.
  14. Berusaha memperoleh kepemilikan  (ownership) dan bertanggungjawab atas setiap tindakan pribadi.
  15. Mengelola ketakutan diri (manages personal fears)
  16. Dapat melihat berbagai “bayangan abu-abu”  diantara ekstrem hitam dan putih dalam setiap situasi.
  17. Memiliki kemampuan menerima umpan balik negatif sebagai alat untuk perbaikan diri.
  18. Memiliki kesadaran akan ketidakamanan  diri dan harga diri.
  19. Memiliki kemampuan memisahkan perasaan cinta dengan berahi  sesaat.
  20. Memahami bahwa komunikasi terbuka adalah kunci kemajuan.
Disarikan dan diterjemahkan dari: http://www.marcandangel.com/2007/08/17/what-is-adulthood-20-defining-characteristics-of-a-true-adult/

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012


Cigarettes, Smokers and Smoking
       Smoking is a bad habit that is very hard to break. Smokers are everywhere. Many people smoke just to socialize, but many others are too addicted to quit.
       A cigarette is like a toxin hypermarket. You can find many kinds of toxin in it : acetone, carbon monoxide, tar, arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and toluene. The tar itself contains more than 43 substances that can cause cancer. Scientists say that when we are smoking, we put more than 4,000 kinds of toxic materials into our body.
       However, many smokers believe that a cigarette with a low tar is less dangerous. And so is a filtered cigarette. But the problem is one cigarette is never enough for the addicted smokers.
       Another myth about smoking is that it cannot only make them awake but also raise their inspiration. This is contrary to the findings of a research in California which show that smoker’s ability to think is lower than that of non-smokers.
       Smoking is indeed a serious social problem in our country. The government keeps reminding that smoking is dangerous, not only for the smokers themselves, but also for other people in the surroundings (passive smokers). But the warnings do not seem to get any response.

  1. The text discusses about …..
A.     addicted smokers
B.     the kinds of cigarettes
C.     the danger of smoking
D.     the benefit of cigarettes
E.      the chemical substances in the cigarette

  1. One myth about smoking is …..
A.     cigarette consists of toxic
B.     it decreases the thinking ability
C.     smoking makes people stronger
D.     inspiration comes after smoking cigarettes
E.      smoking disturbs blood circulation to brain

  1. The text suggests that …..
A.     a cigarette with low tar is healthier
B.     smoking is dangerous for people’s health
C.     there is not any nicotine in low tar cigarette
D.     low tar cigarettes are free from carbon monoxide
E.      smoking many cigarettes with low tar is economical

  1. “….. but many others are too addicted to quit.” (par. 1)
The word addicted means …..
a.       lazy to do something
b.      worried to do something
c.       unable to stop something
d.      reluctant to do something
e.       willing to stop something

This text is for questions 5-8

       Two students were discussing the school’s new rule that all the students must wear a cap and a tie. One of them showed her annoyance. She said that wearing a cap and a tie was only suitable for a flag rising ceremony. So, she was against the rule. Contrary to the girl’s opinion, the other student was glad with it. He said that he didn’t mind with the new rule because wearing a cap and a tie will make the students look great and like real educated persons. The first student gave the reasons that they would feel uncomfortable and hot. Moreover, the classrooms were not air conditioned. The second said it wasn’t a big problem. He was sure that the students would wear them proudly. They would surely be used to it any way.

  1. The two students are discussing …..
a.       the facilities in school
b.      their homework
c.       their uniform
d.      their friends
e.       their family

  1. The boy said that he agreed with the new rule in his school.
Which statement shows his agreement?
a.       He was not annoyed.
b.      He would not obey the rule.
c.       He didn’t care of the rule.
d.      He didn’t like wearing a cap and a tie.
e.       He didn’t mind wearing a cap and a tie.

  1. The boy believed that all students would …..
a.       have a high spirit to study
b.      solve their own problems
c.       care for their environment
d.      follow the new rule
e.       feel uncomfortable

  1. “One of them showed her annoyance …..” (line 2)
The underlined word is close in meaning to …..
a.       responsibility
b.      displeasure
c.       agreement
d.      applause
e.       response

This text is for questions 9-12

       Comics encourage children to read. We find that comics are not bad at all. Instead, it is positively influencing the reading habits.
       There is no evidence of the common prejudice against comics. It is quite normal for children to look at comics when they are still too young to read. The combination of image and short texts in a comic is ideal for children learning to read and does not deter them from reading at a later stage. Even teenagers who still read comics need not to be losers. Comics are now passed on from generation to generation and we have not seen any sign that the text is becoming more hollow.
But there are huge quality differences between comics. Some have really complex texts while others the dialogues are very fast. The reading researchers recommend that adult should watch what comics their children learn.
An expert in literature for children says that, if children want comics, it is not a problem. Children first look at the pictures then at the words. Therefore, their reading habit will increase.

  1. The text argues that …..
a.       comics have bad influence
b.      comics are dangerous for children
c.       comics encourage children to read
d.      comics are not always worth reading
e.       comics have important role from generation to generation

  1. Which of the following is the opinion of an expert in children literature?
a.       Comics are harmful.
b.      Comics are not good to read.
c.       Comics help children to think critically.
d.      Comics are read from generation to generation.
e.       Comics help children improve their reading habit.

  1. Which is suggested by ‘reading researchers’?
a.       Adult should be free from prejudice.
b.      Adult should make children read comics.
c.       Adult should select the comics read by their children.
d.      Adult should increase the children’s habit from reading.
e.       Adult should spoil the children’s habit of reading comics.

  1. “There is no evidence of the common prejudice against comics.” (par. 2)
The underlined word is close in meaning with …..
a.       misjudgment
b.      disagreement
c.       agreement
d.      refusal
e.       view

This text is for questions 13-16

Working in the hospital isn’t always enjoyable. Some days nothing goes right and then it’s very frustrating.
Working with older people is much more difficult. They take much longer to get better. A lot of older patients don’t want to leave hospital at all. They feel safe there and they have lots of friends. When they go home, they feel very lonely. They miss their friends. Sometimes nurses go and visit them at home when they can. But it’s hard to get the time. It causes that some of them will never really get well again. Every nurse feels sorry for them but they can’t show them how they feel. They have to be cheerful and do what they can. Nurses always try to do their best for all the patients.
Thus nurses should be creative to develop amusing and enjoyable environment in order to help patients recover from their illness.

  1. What is the purpose of the text?
a.       To advice readers to be careful with their illness.
b.      To persuade readers how to be a good nurse.
c.       To inform readers how to be a nurse.
d.      To share a problem with readers.
e.       To describe a nurse’s job.

  1. When nurses are on duty, they sometimes feel frustrated because …..
a.       they feel very lonely all the time
b.      they should do all their best at all times
c.       they always work with older people
d.      their jobs don’t always run smoothly
e.       they have to visit their patients

  1. What is the problem faced by nurses?
a.       Older patients fell happy in the hospital
b.      Older patients have lots of friends
c.       A lot of older patients feel safe in the hospital
d.      Some older patients get worse when they are at home
e.       Nurses are asked to go and visit patients at home

  1. The writer suggests that the nurses should …..
a.       be creative to develop enjoyable environment
b.      send the patients home as soon as they are recovered
c.       let the patients be with their family
d.      know the patients’ health
e.       make a lot of friends

This text is for questions …..

Nowadays the system of payment gradually changes. People start t o use debit cards instead of cash to make payment. However, there are still arguments about the use of debit cards as a method of payment.
Well, if you use the card, you will say that the card is so practical. You don’t need to count meticulously how much you should pay. When paying using cash, people are afraid of making mistakes in counting the banknote for both the payment and the change. With debit card, the mistake is made smaller.
Moreover you should know that debit cards are safer than money. Suppose you bring a lot of money when traveling. If it was lost or stolen, you would be left with nothing in your hands. However, if you brought a debit card, you could just phone the bank which issues the card to block it.
On the other hand, people who disagree on the use of debit card will say that its use is so limited. When you buy something in a traditional market, or a vendor, for example, can you pay using debit card? Of course not.
Another thing is that, if you want to use the card, you should make a purchase at minimum amount. If you make less than the minimum transaction, you cannot make use of the card.
Now, after you know these facts, will you use the card? Yes, you can use it, but remember to bring cash in your purse, just in case.

  1. What is the topic of the first paragraph?
a.       The changes of the system of payment
b.      Making payment by using debit cards
c.       The beginning of the use of debit cards
d.      The different arguments about the use of debit cards
e.       The advice to use cards as a method of payment

  1. Some people don’t approve the use of debit cards because …..
a.       It is practical
b.      It minimizes the mistakes in counting
c.       It is safer that money when traveling
d.      It can’t be used to pay something in a vendor
e.       It is not necessary to count the money meticulously

  1. Which is TRUE about the text?
a.       The text presents the pros and cons of the issues
b.      The arguments presented are only the positive ones
c.       The writer convinces the readers to use debit cards
d.      The text is meant to persuade the readers to do something
e.       The last paragraph shows that the writer takes the negative side

  1. ….for both the payment and the change. (par.2)
What is the suitable meaning of the underlined word?
a.       alteration or modification
b.      the balance of money returned
c.       a different of fresh set of clothing
d.      the replacing of one thing for another
e.       the act, process, or result of changing

This text is for questions …..

The government has just published a report which suggests that television is partly responsible for the serious increase in crime over the last two years. The exposure of violence or pornography harmfully effect on children.
Many people who are alive today know what is like to live in a world without TV. TV as we know is only about forty years old. Yet it is so much a part of our lives that it seems as if it had always existed.
Some people think that the years before the invention of TV were a better time. They claim that families talked more and did more things together. More books were read. People used their imagination more fully. People got more outdoor exercises.
But others disagree. They claim that TV is a powerful educational tool. It informs us of what is going on in the world, from famine in Africa to a local politics and fashion. It helps us understand how people live, work and struggle.
TV is credited with being a great teacher, but it is also blamed for the poor reading and writing skills of our population. TV gets praised for helping us understand the people of the world. But it has been accused of helping to destroy family life. TV keeps us informed about the political issues of the day.
Experts will probably continue to argue about TV’s value. But everyone agree that it is one of the most significant inventions of the twentieth century.

  1. The writer wants to tell …..
a.       the development of TV
b.      the advantages of TV program
c.       how TV destroys people’s life
d.      how TV improves people’s knowledge
e.       the influence of TV on people’s daily life

  1. Many people claim that TV is a powerful educational tool.
From this statement we know that they ….. with the existence of TV.
a.       love
b.      agree
c.       prefer
d.      satisfy
e.       choose

  1. ….. what is going on the world, from famine in Africa ….. (par.4)
The underlined word means lack of …..
a.       food
b.      water
c.       nutrient
d.      education
e.       entertainment

  1. Which of the following is good for children in watching TV?
a.       Children should watch the violence on TV
b.      Children may watch TV whenever they like
c.       There should not be censorship of TV program
d.      Children should spend all their time to watch TV
e.       Children should be accompanied by their parents in watching TV

This text is for questions
The research at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore indicates that mice maybe the culprits behind an epidemic of childhood.
The team found that 95 percent of all homes examined in two New York districts and six others in the United States cities had evidence of mice in at least one room.
In Baltimore, allergy triggers in the form of mouse urine and skin flakes were found in every single home visited. Eighteen percent of the children in these homes were allergic to mice and these tended to have a more severe form of asthma.
The team took samples from homes in the Bronx and east Harlem in New York as well as in Washington DC, St. Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit.
For a long time mice were not suspected of triggering allergies in the home. “Now we know that houses are full of them, and we were surprised that mice turned out to be even more important in inner-city asthma than cats, dogs, or dust mites,” said Dr. Robert Wood of Johns Hopkins.

  1. According to the text …..
a.       asthma was a dangerous allergy
b.      one in four children was allergic to mice
c.       the team found that mice were allergy triggers
d.      mice were found in every house in New York
e.       mice were not suspected of triggering allergies

  1. In how many cities did the team study the epidemic?
a.       2
b.      5
c.       6
d.      7
e.       8

  1. The team found that ….. had evidence of mice.
a.       all homes in Baltimore
b.      all homes in the Bronx
c.       95% of all rooms in the homes
d.      all rooms of all houses examined
e.       at least one room of the homes examined

  1. ….. mice turned out to be more important ….. (par.5)
The words underlined might be replaced by …..
a.       proved
b.      became
c.       caused
d.      began
e.       made

This text is for questions…

     Yesterday we discussed the problem of rising prices, or, in the economist’s terms, inflation. We noted that during the periods of inflation, all prices and incomes do not rise at the same rate. Some incomes rise more slowly than the cost of living, and a few do not rise at all. Other incomes rise more rapidly than the cost of living.
     We concluded that persons with fixed incomes, as, for example, the elderly who depend upon pensions, and persons with slow-rising incomes as, for example, an employee with a salary agreed to in a long-term contract, will be most seriously affected by inflation. Please recall that while their dollar in comes stay the same, the cost of goods and services rises, and in effect, real incomes decreases, that is, they are able to purchase less with the same amount of money.
     We also talked about the fact that stockholders and persons with business interests and investment would probably benefit most from inflation, since high prices would increase sales receipts, and profits would likely rise faster than the cost of living.

29.  The passage is mainly talking about….
a.       the concept of inflation
b.      the effects of inflation
c.       the cause of inflation
d.      the benefits of rising prices
e.       the problems of rising prices

30.  According to the passage, inflation is ….
a.       rising prices
b.      rising incomes
c.       decreasing incomes
d.      rising cost of living
e.       increasing receipt

31.  Persons who get benefits from inflation is ….
a.       persons with a long term contract
b.      persons with slow rising incomes
c.       persons who depend upon pensions
d.      persons who own business
e.       persons with fixed incomes

32.  “Please recall that while dollar incomes stay the same….”(paragraph 2)
            ‘Recall’ is closest in meaning to ….
a.       discuss
b.      think
c.        remind
d.      suggest
e.       remember
33.  When income rises more slowly than the cost of living … happened.
a.       the increase of dollar income
b.      the rising of good service
c.       the rising of cost of living
d.      the rising rate of dollar
e.       the decrease of real incomes