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Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Learning to Develop Good Writing Proficiency

 I  have an obsession to be a writer. So I must practice to write almost everyday. Sometimes I am lazy to  write, but  I hunt motivational suggestions to encourage me. I should not be bored to learn better. Here are many wise suggestions from many experts:
"If you want to write well. . . read, read, and then read some more. Read good writing. Read bad writing. Learn to know the difference. Note for simplicity of style: noun, verb, object; noun, verb, object. It worked for Hemingway, who often said that his ultimate goal was to create the perfect sentence. Read some Hemingway, and not just his novels, but some of his early newspaper writing. There's never been better news and feature writing, ever. When you read the works of these and other fine writers, notice the simplicity of their language and how they vary their sentence structure and length. Some sentences number two or three words; others run an entire paragraph. There are countless tips on writing well, but I leave you with this one: read first, then write."
- By Bill Reed

Learn to Write Well
"Writing can be a drag . . . especially if you don't think you're very good at it. It's a skill, however, that you need to develop in order to be competitive in today's society. While you're a student, take the time to learn to write well. Take more than the required English and writing courses. I'd be willing to bet you'll find these classes to be quite valuable when you try to find and keep a job after graduation. And don't worry if you end up having trouble in these classes. You can always enlist the help of the good folks at the Writing Center. And one more thing . . . a good way to practice your writing without the stress of a grade hanging over your head, is to take part in extra-curricular activities that involve writing."
- By Emily Sinsabaugh

Writing a Paper or Researching an Assignment? Start Early
"Let's face it. We are all afraid of writing papers. We procrastinate until the night before that essay or reserach assignment is due. We then write as the night passes in the hope that some sort of last-minute inspiration will light down from the heavens, the clouds will dissipate and the sun will poke its head above the horizon, and the rivers will gush forth those wonderfully profound ideas that have hidden themselves in the darkness. Beautifully as all this sounds, it does not happen without a great deal of advance preparation.

What does happen is that we ofen compose into the wee hours of the morning, and as the clock ticks on, we get progressively tired--so tired that we do a sloppy job. We forget to proofread, or when we do we are so tired of the paper that we cannot see convoluted ideas, faulty reasoning, and missing commas. We submit the paper with a prayer and hope for the best. And when we get that unsatisfactory grade, we vow that we will NEVER again put things off until the last minute. How do we accomplish this? I have several suggestions:

1. Get started on the paper the day that it is assigned. This doesn't mean that one actually start writing the paper but rather it means that you at least think about the topic. Take a small pad of paper so that you can jot down ideas. Keep a journal that you can draw upon for that interesting perspective toward the topic.
2. Start writing the rough draft at least a week before the assignment is due. In this way, you leave yourself plenty of time to walk away from the paper when the going gets tough. Often, a short break--a trip to the snackshop, or a game of PacMan--will clear your mind so that you can begin to write again.
3. Go the Center for Writing. It is often important that we talk our ideas out before we can get them clearly on paper. Important to this process is a basic knowledge of those who will read your paper.
    What do they already know?
    What do they need to know?
    What terms or concepts do you need to explain?
    What connections do you need to make?
A conference with a writing tutor in your Writing Center can often help you to clarify those issues. If you cannot get ideas down on paper, bring your notes and talk your ideas out with the tutors so that you can get concepts down clearly on the page. If you can't tell a comma from a semicolon, have the tutor help you sort out those tricky rules of grammar. The Center for Writing can help you out at any point in the research and writing process.
Writing need not be a terrible agonizing process, and you need not write papers the night before. Hopefully, thinking about the paper right away, getting a draft written at least before, and getting help in the Center for Writing will get you that good grade next time you have to write a paper."
- By Bob Holderer

The Rest of the Story
"I used to think that successful writers must be naturally gifted creatures who always managed to get everything right the first time. That's why I'd lie to friends in college when they asked me how much time I'd spend on a paper. "An hour or so,?" I'd shrug--when really it was more like ten. It wasn't until years later that I learned even geniuses like Virginia Woolf and Ernest Hemingway spent incredible amounts of time writing and rewriting and polishing their work. So take a tip from geniuses and non-geniuses alike. When you know you've got a writing project due, start early. Don't think of your trash can as an enemy, but as a hungry pet that likes to be fed regularly. Then take what's left--the good stuff--polish it up like a genie's lamp, and sit back and hope for what all writers hope for: a magical connection with your reader."
- By Russell Chamberlain

Hip Hop to the Writing Lab
"The writing lab is where you go for success. Success equals "A's" and I'm alright with that. The writing lab is where I go to succeed. Develop papers that will meet the teachers need. They will critique and help you form a thesis that is sweet. Develop structure in your paper. Bring your skills to peak, so don't procrastinate. Don't debate. Just go to the lab to correct your mistakes on the grammatical tip their crew is tight. So don't worry about failure, because that's no where in sight. So use the facilities and you'll be a writing skill master just wait and see."
- By Richard Snow

Writing Skills
"Read choose anything, but read something. Keeping a focus on the way others conform words in a sentence. Start keeping a daily calender so you don't forget the assignments' due and other events that could be an issue if not reviewing your material. Write constantly, in doing this you keep your skills in writing on top shape. An exercise for the mind and vocabulary skills intact."
- Andrea Michelle Jones

Berdamai Dengan Masa lalu dan Menyambut Masa Depan oleh Maskatno Giri

Masa lalu tinggal kenangan. Berkenaan dengan masa lalu, mungkin di antara kita: sering mengecam diri sendri, mungkin dendam kepada orang lain, menyimpulkan Tuhan tidak adil, dan  bersedih yang berlarut-larut.

Tidak  mungkin seseorang terlepas  dari: kejengkelan, rasa malu, menanggung aib, merasa bersalah dan dosa. Itu semua berlaku pada setiap manusia. Karena manusia bukan malaikat. Di sini kita bisa belajar lebih cerdas, apakah kita ingin berlarut di dunia masa lalu atau juga bisa memaafkan diri bahwa kita memang bukan manusia sempurna.

Benar memang, kita harus belajar dari masa lalu. Masa lalu biarlah berlalu, kita tinggal memendam dalam-dalam suatau kenangan. Lalu masa lalu tersebut dijadikan sumber kekuatan bahwa kita layak menjadi hebat. Kita seharusnya  menjadi manusia kuat walau modal kita kelemahan dan kenekatan belaka.

Mestinya kita membisikkan pada diri sendiri utamanya, dan memotivasi orang lain bahwa kita harus berlaku bijak. Hidup kita bukan di masa lalu, kita hidup di saat ini dan mestinya kita mau  menyambut masa depan yang sudah menunggu kita.

Selamat dan sukses sejati dalam menyambut masa depan dengan lapang dada.

Menyerap Ilmu Melalui Model Pembelajaran CTL oleh Maskatno Giri

"Ngilmu iku kalakone kanthi laku". Itulah nasihat para guruku yang tak pernah kulupakan. Guruku menambahkan bahwa kalau kita ingin benar-benar berilmu haarus memakai "lelakon" atau proses. Ilmu yang tidak melalui lelaku proses hanya sekedar hafalan belaka. Dan tentunya sesuatau yang bersifat hanya hafalan mudah sekali hilang.

Kalau dipikir-pikir pernyataan guruku di atas itu benar. Kegiatan yang terlihat menuntut ilmu tanpa proses praktik dengan melibatkan pengalaman langsung, kegiatan keilmuan tersebut kurang bermakna, dan  mudah sekali lenyap dalam pikiran.

 Sering kita mendengar tentang berbagai  metode pembelajaran untuk menyerap ilmu  dan pengalaman sebanyak-banyaknya .   Salah satunya adalah  model Contextual Teacaching and Learning. Di sini pembelajar diajak tidak sekedar mengahfal namun melakukan kegiatan keilmuan juga mampu megait-ngaitkan imu tersebut dengan pengalaman nyata.

Berikut ini,  Maskatno Giri menulis ulang Model  Pembelajaran CTL yang bersumber dari Modul Pendidikan dan Latihan Profesi Guru (PLPG): Model-model Pembelajaran Inovatif. Surakarta: Panitia Sertifikasi Guru Rayon 13 Surakarta oleh bapak Sugiyanto

Menurut Nurhadi dalam Sugiyanto (2007) CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) adalah konsep belajar yang mendorong guru untuk menghubungkan antara materi yang diajarkan dan situasi dunia nyata siswa. Menurut Jonhson dalam Sugiyanto (2007) CTL adalah sebuah proses pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk menolong para siswa melihat siswa melihat makna didalam materi akademik yang mereka pelajari dengan cara menghubungkan subyek-subyek akademik dengan konteks dalam kehidupan keseharian mereka.

Jadi pengertian CTL dari pendapat para tokoh-tokoh diatas dapat kita simpulkan bahwa CTL adalah konsep belajar yang membantu guru mengkaitkan antara materi yang diajarkanya dengan situasi dunia nyata siswa dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara pengetahuan yang dimilikinya dengan penerapan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.


    Model pembelajaran CTL ini bertujuan untuk memotivasi siswa untuk memahami makna materi pelajaran yang dipelajarinya dengan mengkaitkan materi tersebut dengan konteks kehidupan mereka sehari-hari sehingga siswa memiliki pengetahuan atu ketrampilan yang secara refleksi dapat diterapkan dari permasalahan kepermasalahan lainya.
    Model pembelajaran ini bertujuan agar dalam belajar itu tidak hanya sekedar menghafal tetapi perlu dengan adanya pemahaman
    Model pembelajaran ini menekankan pada pengembangan minat pengalaman siswa.
    Model pembelajaran CTL ini bertujuan untuk melatih siswa agar dapat berfikir kritis dan terampil dalam memproses pengetahuan agar dapat menemukan dan menciptakan sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi dirinya sendiri dan orang lain
    Model pembelajaran CTL ini bertujun agar pembelajaran lebih produktif dan bermakna
    Model pembelajaran model CTL ini bertujuan untuk mengajak anak pada suatu aktivitas yang mengkaitkan materi akademik dengan konteks jehidupan sehari-hari
    Tujuan pembelajaran model CTL ini bertujuan agar siswa secara indinidu dapat menemukan dan mentrasfer informasi-informasi komplek dan siswa dapat menjadikan informasi itu miliknya sendiri.

Strategi Pembelajaran CTL
Beberapa strategi pembelajaran yang perlu dikembangkan oleh guru secara konstektual antara lain:
a. Pembelajaran berbasis masalah
Dengan memunculkan problem yang dihadapi bersama,siswa ditantang untuk berfikir kritis untuk memecahkan.
b. Menggunakan konteks yang beragam
Dalam CTL guru membermaknakan pusparagam konteks sehingga makna yang diperoleh siswa menjadi berkualitas.
c. Mempertimbangkan kebhinekaan siswa
Guru mengayomi individu dan menyakini bahwa perbedaan individual dan social seyogianya  dibermaknakan menjadi mesin penggerak untuk belajar  saling menghormati dan toleransi untuk mewujudkan ketrampilan interpersonal.
d. Memberdayakan siswa untuk belajar sendiri
Pendidikan formal merupakan kawah candradimuka bagi siswa untuk menguasai cara belajar untuk belajar mandiri dikemudian hari.
e. Belajar melalui kolaborasi
Dalam setiap kolaborasi selalu ada siswa yang menonjol dibandingkan dengan koleganya dan sisiwa ini dapat dijadikan sebagai fasilitator dalam kelompoknya.
f. Menggunakan penelitian autentik
Penilaian autentik menunjukkan bahwa belajar telah berlangsung secara terpadu dan konstektual dan memberi kesempatan pada siswa untuk dapat maju terus sesuai dengan potensi yang dimilikinya.

g. Mengejar standar tinggi
Setiap seyogyanya menentukan kompetensi kelulusan dari waktu kewaktu terus ditingkatkan  dan setiap sekolah hendaknya melakukan Benchmarking dengan melukan study banding keberbagai sekolah dan luar negeri.
Berdasarkan Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD) Penerapan strategi pembelajaran konstektual digambarkan sebagai berikut:
a. Relating
Belajar dikatakan dengan konteks dengan pengalaman nyata, konteks merupakan kerangka kerja yang dirancang guru  untuk membantu peserta didik agar yang dipelajarinya bermakna.
b. Experiencing
Belajar adalah kegiatan “mengalami “peserta didik diproses secara aktif dengan hal yang dipelajarinya dan berupaya melakukan eksplorasi terhadap hal yang dikaji,berusaha menemukan dan menciptakan hal yang baru dari apa yang dipelajarinya.
c. Applying
Belajar menekankan pada proses mendemonstrasikan pengetahuan yang dimiliki dengan dalam konteks dan pemanfaatanya.
d. Cooperative
Belajar merupakan proses kolaboratif dan kooperatif melalui kegiatan kelompok, komunikasi interpersonal atau hubunngan intersubjektif.
e. Trasfering
Belajar menenkankan pada terwujudnya kemampuan memanfaatkan pengetahuan dalam situasi atau konteks baru.

Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Berpikir Nilai Sehat Oleh Maskatno Giri

Beberapa menit yang lalu aku dari RS DKT/ RS Slamet Riyadi Solo. Aku  mengunjungi anak dari temanku yang menderita sakit panas tinggi. Dokter belum bisa menemukan penyakitnya padahal sudah tes darah lebih dari dua kali. Anak ini memang sudah sering keluar masuk rumah sakit.

Anak temanku sudah dirawat  selama  tiga hari. Otomatis temanku tidak bisa bekerja, dipastikan tak ada  penghasilan selama di RS. Tukang batu adalah pekerjaannya. Bukan untuk  riya, karena mendoakan saudara yang sakit sudah menjadi kuajiban kita. Dalam minggu ini, temanku tadi  adalah orang ketiga yang aku jenguk karena sakit. Dan ketiga-tiganya dari  kujenguk  tadi,  termasuk kategori miskin.

Sudah miskin sering sakit. Sekilas terkesan bahwa Allah   itu tidak adil. Padahal kita  sering mendapat pelajaran bahwa Allah iti Maha Adil. Waktu remaja dulu, aku sering menyimpulkan bahwa Tuhan itu tidak adil, dan aku merasa sudah  membuktikan bahwa Tuhan itu kurang adil. 

Kini aku semakin tua, Alhamdulillah sudah bisa menyimpulkan bahwa  Tuhan Allah pasti Maha  Adil. Buktinya Allah telah menunjukkan kekuasaanya bahwa segala sesuatu ada penyeimbangannya: ada sakit ada sehat, ada miskin ada kaya. ada pria dan wanita, dan lebih jauh lagi ada syurga dan neraka. Itu semua dimaksudkan  oleh Allah supaya manusia mampu berpikir.

Ada si miskin, supaya si kaya bersedekah untuknya. Ada orang sakit, kesempatan dokter untuk menolong dan kerja. Itulah siklus kehidupan seimbang yang dirancang oleh Allah swt.  Kembali pada kisah temanku tadi, akhirnya para orang yang sehat terutama teman-temannya bisa berpikir betapa mahalnya arti kesehatan. Dan juga betapa kita harus mau bersyukur, walau sebenarnya kita tidak makmur.Namun, kemauan bersyukur termasuk kekayaan bathin yang mahal harganya. Karena banyak orang kaya tidak mau bersyukur, mereka tinggal menunggu kehancurannya.

Motivational Words for a successful man by Maskatno Giri

Hello everyone!. How are you today? Here, Maskatno Giri  takes you to be succesful man. He  learns  to be kind. He always gives  motivation through this blog. He rewrites many success quotes especially for you:
 “You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “The discontent and frustration that you feel is entirely your own creation.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Success will be within your reach only when you start reaching out for it.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
“When you concentrate your energy purposely on the future possibility that you aspire to realize, your energy is passed on to it and makes it attracted to you with a force stronger than the one you directed towards it.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Without desires and dreams, your thoughts do not matter and you can think whatever you want to.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Happiness is something we reap from the seeds we sow. Plant misery seeds and that us what you reap.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Every sunrise is priceless and you can experience the richness that life holds only when you live life to the full instead of just being an onlooker.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “The realisation that limitations are imaginary will make you strong and overpowering.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Positive belief in yourself will give you the energy needed to conquer the world and this belief is the power behind all creation.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Manifesting is a lot like making a cake. The things needed are supplied by you, the mixing is done by your mind and the baking is done in the oven of the universe.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “The difference between being mediocre and achieving excellence is you.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Never allow your mind to wander untamed like a wild animal that exists on the basis of survival of the fittest. Tame your mind with consistent focus on your goals and desires.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Though money cannot acquire you happiness, it does not mean that both money and happiness cannot exist together.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “A barrier is a limitation only when you perceive it as one.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Limitations are like mirages created by your own mind. When you realise that limitation do not exist, those around you will also feel it and allow you inside their space.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Whatever belief we have actually stems from the thankfulness that we feel and this feeling further attracts more happy feelings towards us.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “If you take any step, no matter how small it is, towards achieving your dreams then you will surely find the right path and reach the abundance that lies in store for you.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Have faith in the universe and its capability to lead you to the path of abundance.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “With every challenge you face, there is an opportunity hidden that will lead you towards the path of wealth and abundance.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “According to the Law of Attraction, the physical reality that you experience at present is drawn towards the future probability you desired when it attains more power.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Failures can be called ‘strengtheners’ as they make you determined to reach your goal with the lessons they teach.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Beliefs are not related to religion but they are basically about who you are.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “One who swims with the tide and not the other side will benefit from the opportunity that flows.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “When you are drowned by your sorry state, and you feel as if you are carried away from the road that leads to your desires, you should know that you are the one responsible for being led away from the right path.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “It is not enough if you just live life as it comes to you like a floating leaf in a pond. Make use of the powers bestowed in you and soar like an eagle.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Choice forms the divider which is responsible for the formation of all futures that can be possible.”
 “On the other hand, if the future is not the one you chose then you may have to use your willpower to obtain the future of your liking.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “Once we open our eyes to the infinite magic that the universe has in abundance, we are sure to be enthralled by what we see and this miraculous creation gets us closer to our dreams and to the world as a whole.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
 “In reality there are no limitations. They are vibrant and changeable to whatever form you want them to take to realise your goals.”
― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free