DAFTAR LABELKU (klik saja jangan ragu-ragu)

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

STEPS TO BE A WRITER Rewritten by MasKatno Giri

  1. Consider all of the options. Not everyone can create a blockbuster novel. Anyone with passion might be able to earn a living from writing. Copywriting is probably the highest paid skill on the Internet. Article writing is in great demand for providing content for websites. Creative writers are in demand to bid for projects every day. So the first step in how to become a writer is to research all of the options.
  2. Plan using logic and desire. Write the way you want, but decide whether or not you want to rely on the income from your writing. Not having a regular job will allow you to focus on your writing, but it's very unlikely that you'll be able to depend on it for at least a few years.
  3. Think about what you want to write, instead of what you want to get from writing. You won't get anywhere if all you're after is money.
  4. Be prepared to work odd hours  you'll need to write whenever ideas strike, even if it's the middle of the night. Completely immerse yourself in the world you create.
  5. Find what works for you and stick with it. Even if you get dozens of rejection slips, if you feel comfortable working the way you do, you'll eventually have success.
  6. Know that writer’s block is a real thing. Too much writing, and concentrating too deeply, can cause you to not be able to write a word. Your focus and concentration leave, and you can just sit and stare at the page or the computer or typewriter, and not have a thing come to mind to write.
  7. Take a break to refresh your mind. Take a drive, or a walk, go to a movie, or just read a book. You may need a day, or a week to be able to once again concentrate. Be patient, your writers block will leave in due time. If that doesn't work, try the toilet, or in French, ca'mode. Toilet or Ca'mode means to refresh the body, which helps the mind as a writer.
  8. Use dreams to assist with ideas. Dreams are a big help. Have a notebook near you and if you remember a dream write it down. Some people can only remember some of their dream but when you write it down the rest will come back to you.
  9. Read, read, read. If you read a lot, sometimes ideas that aren't even related to what you're reading will come to you. This also helps with learning and memorizing words you can use later in writing.
  10. Ask yourself, "What kind of story is it going to be?" It can be a short story or a novel.
  11. Jot down notes and ideas. After that, check over your work and think about your ideas.
  12. Decide what genre your story will have. Some examples are romance, comedy, horror, fairy tale, and adventure.
  13. Think about the plot of your story. Will it have a happy or sad ending? Also think about the problem in your story, like stolen jewels.
  14. Create characters. Think of names and their personalities. Think about how important they are. Think the most about your main character.
  15. Think of a title. Don't make it too short, but not too long. Also, don't make a title that doesn't match the story, like a story called Home Run, and the book is about princesses.
  16. Get writing. You might want to use a pencil, or take some white-out if you are using a pen. You could also use what you are using right now-your computer.

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