DAFTAR LABELKU (klik saja jangan ragu-ragu)

Rabu, 22 April 2020

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif bahasa Inggris

  • [Active Voice] She read a book in the library. (Dia membaca buku di perpustakaan)
  • [Passive Voice] The book is read by her in the library. (Buku dibaca olehnya di perpustakaan)
  • [Active Voice] My parents buy a new car this morning. (Orang tuaku membeli mobil baru pagi ini)
  • [Passive Voice] The new car is bought by my parents this morning. (Mobil baru dibeli orang tuaku pagi ini)
  • [Active Voice] My little sister ask the waiter to bring a water. (Adikku meminta pelayan untuk membawakan segelas air)
  • [Passive Voice] The waiter is asked by my little sister to bring a water. (Pelayan dimintai adikku untuk membawakan segelas air)
  • [Active Voice] Gembul eat fried rice in the moring. (Gembul makan nasi goreng pagi ini)
  • [Passive Voice] Fried rice is ate by gembul in the morning. (Nasi goreng dimakan Gembul pagi ini)
  • [Active Voice] I ride a bike when she run next to me. (Aku mengendarai sepeda saat dia berlari di sebelahku)
  • [Passive Voice] The bike is rode by me when she run next to me. (Sepeda dikendarai olehku saat dia berlari di sebelahku)
  • [Active Voice] Bambang wash that friuts in the river. (Bambang mencuci buah-buahan di sungai)
  • [Passive Voice] That fruits are washed by Bambang in the river. (Buah-buahan dicuci bambang di sungai)
  • [Active Voice] I gril a snapper last summer. (Aku membakar ikan kakap di musim panas kemarin)
  • [Passive Voice] A Snapper is grilled by me last summer. (Ikan kakap dibakar olehku di musim panas kemarin)
  • [Active Voice] I punch Ridho when Mr. Dakir’s class. (Aku memukul Ridho saat kelas Pak Dakir)
  • [Passive Voice] Ridho is punched by me when Mr. Dakir’s class. (Ridho dipukul olehku saat kelas Pak Dakir)
  • [Active Voice] I hate spinach because it’s taste bitter. (Aku benci bayam karena rasanya yang pahit)
  • [Passive Voice] Spinach is hatted by me because it’s taste bitter. (Bayam dibenci olehku karena rasanya yang pahit)
  • [Active Voice] I love her at the first sight. (Aku menyukainya pada pandangan pertama)
  • [Passive Voice] She is loved by me at the first sight. (Dia disukai olehku pada pandangan pertama)

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