DAFTAR LABELKU (klik saja jangan ragu-ragu)

Jumat, 08 November 2024





Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose)/ social function/ purpose:

To retell/ tell past  events  (menceritakan ulang peristiwa masa lalu)

Contoh= Cerita kegiatan  masa lalu idola seseorang, cerita pengalaman saat berlibur di Bali dll.

Kisi –kisi materi –  soal RECOUNT text:

1.    Siswa harus mampu menentukan  tujuan text / Social function/communicative purpose of  RECOUNT text >>JAWABAN>>  to tell past event

2.    Siswa harus mampu menentukan topik  dari paragraf dan pikiran utama dari tiap-tiap paragraf>>>JAWABAN>> cari masalah yang sering dibicarakan/cari kata yang sering disebut

3.    Siswa harus mampu mengetahui makna kata-sinonim (close meaning) –antonim (opposite word)>> JAWABAN>> hafalkan daftar kosa kata

4.    Siswa harus mampu mengetahui info tersurat/ tertulis dalam teks atau yang tidak tertulis (tersirat) hafalkan: who=siapa –menanyakan subjek. Whom =siapa-menanyakan objek, which=yang mana.where=di mana/kemana, why =kenapa how= bagaimana dll.

5.    Siswa harus mampu mengetahui REFERENCE: It refers to… (menyatakan benda tunggal). They refers to ….. (menunjukkan orang/ benda jamak)


Last summer, I went on an unforgettable trip to the mountains with my friends. We packed our bags and left early in the morning, excited for our adventure. After a long drive, we arrived at our campsite, surrounded by tall trees and fresh air.

         The first day, we hiked to a beautiful waterfall. The sound of the water was calming, and we took lots of photos. Later, we set up our tents and made a campfire. We roasted marshmallows and shared stories under the stars, feeling grateful for the moment.

        On the second day, we went rock climbing. It was challenging but thrilling to reach the top. The view was breathtaking! We spent the rest of the day exploring and playing games.

 This trip was not just about the activities; it strengthened our friendship and created memories I will cherish forever. I can't wait for our next adventure!

1.     What was the main reason for the trip?

A.    To have an adventure in the mountains

B.    To attend a festival

C.    To relax at home

D.    To study nature

E.    To visit a city


2.     What did the group do on the first day?
A.   Set up tents and made a campfire
B.   Went swimming in a lake

C.   Went rock climbing
D.   Took a long drive
E.   Went fishing

 3.     What did the trip strengthen among the friends?

A.    Their skills

B.    Their friendship

C.    Their competition

D.    Their fear of heights

E.    Their knowledge of nature

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