menjadi harapan setiap orang. Terlebih sebagai orang tua. Masa tua adalah masa di mana masa yang mestinya mampu
menikmati hasil dari masa-masa
perjuangan sebelumnya. Walaupun menjadi orang tua bukan berarti masa berjuang sudah habis.
alangkah malangnya bila sudah menjadi orang tua dan semakin tua belum bisa
menikmati rasa bahagia. Hilangnya rasa
bahagia dalam kehidupan sebagai orang tua disebabkan salah satunya sikap hidup
orang tua yang kurang tepat. Dari sikap
yang kurang tepat terkadang dilakukan berulang-ulang. Sikap salah orang tua tersebut lalu menumpuk menjadi hal
yang menyengsarakan. Namun semuanya bisa diperbaiki antara lain perubahan
sikap. Perubahan sikap tersebut adalah
sebagai berikut:
Hindari perasaan selalu benar. Sederhana saja, daripada
bertahan sebagai orang paling benar, maka akui bila Anda melakukan kesalahan,
sekalipun terhadap anak Anda. Kita harus sadar bahwa kesalahan adalh sesuatu
yang wajar. Tidak ada manusia tanpa salah.Perbaiki diri setelah berbuat salah. Tidak ada orang yang dapat merendahkan Anda tanpa seijin diri Anda sendiri. Jangan Anda larut dalam kesalahan yang telah anda buat. Daripada berlarut-lart dalam rasa bersalah, sebaiknya Anda memperbaiki diri.
Jangan pernah membandingkan anak Anda dengan anak orang lain. Sekalipun anak Anda kembar, mereka pasti tidak nyaman jika selalu dibandingkan. Demikian halnya, keluarga. Jangan pernah membandingkan keluarga Anda dengan keluarga lain. Bersyukur dengan apa yang Anda miliki dan jangan benci orang lain atas apa yang mereka miliki.
Sadari segala hal tidak harus selalu dalam kendali Anda. Seorang anak akan selalu menjadi anak-anak yang, kadang, membuat segalanya berantakan. Daripada selalu emosi, lebih baik Anda lebih santai menghadapinya.
Anda tidak harus tahu segalanya. Ada beberapa hal yang dapat Anda pelajari terus-menerus dalam berperan sebagai orangtua. Bahkan, orang yang berpendidikan tinggi sekalipun tidak akan pernah berhenti untuk belajar dari seorang anak. Terbukalah terhadapa saran dan masukkan.
Jangan mengkhawatirkan hal-hal kecil. Anak Anda malas mandi, ingin memilih bajunya sendiri, atau tidak menghabiskan makan siangnya, seharusnya itu tidak perlu menjadi masalah besar.
Terimalah anak Anda apa adanya dan anak Anda bukanlah diri Anda. Normal, apabila anak Anda berbeda dengan Anda.
Berhenti mengkhawatirkan apa kata orang. Anak Anda bertengkar di sekolah, mendapat tindikan, dan sebagainya. Pastikan Anda tahu latar belakang pilihan sikapnya terlebih dahulu sebelum marah karena merasa malu terhadap pandangan orang
and Indonesian Edition)
is always as everyone's
expectations. Especially as a parent. Old age is a period in which the future
should be able to enjoy the results of previous periods of struggle. Although
being a parent does not mean the fight is over.
But it would be a misfortune if the parents are getting older and have not
been able to enjoy the feeling of happiness. The loss of a sense of happiness
in life as a parent caused by attitudes of parents who are less proper
or well missled. The lack of proper attitude is sometimes performed repeatedly.
Attitude among the parents is then run into a miserable thing. But everything can be improved include a change in attitude. Changes in
attitude can applied as follows:
Avoid the parents’ feeling that everything must always be right. Quite simply,
rather than survive as the most correctious, then admit when you make mistakes, even against
your child. We must realize that the error is something reasonable. No human perfect.
Fix it yourself after having a mistake. No man can underestimate you without your own permission. If you make a mistake, it is no problem. Rather than long feeling in guilt, you should improve.
Never compare your child with other children. Even if your child is a twin, they are certainly not comfortable to be compared. Similarly, the family. Do not ever compare your family with another family. Grateful for what you have and do not hate people for what they have.
Realize everything is not always in your control. A child will always be childish who, at times, making everything a mess. Instead of always being emotional, it is better you are more relaxed face.You do not have to know everything. There are several things you can learn constantly in the role as parent. In fact, even highly educated people who will never cease to learn from a child.
Fix it yourself after having a mistake. No man can underestimate you without your own permission. If you make a mistake, it is no problem. Rather than long feeling in guilt, you should improve.
Never compare your child with other children. Even if your child is a twin, they are certainly not comfortable to be compared. Similarly, the family. Do not ever compare your family with another family. Grateful for what you have and do not hate people for what they have.
Realize everything is not always in your control. A child will always be childish who, at times, making everything a mess. Instead of always being emotional, it is better you are more relaxed face.You do not have to know everything. There are several things you can learn constantly in the role as parent. In fact, even highly educated people who will never cease to learn from a child.
Do not worry about little
things. Lazy to bathe
your child, want to choose his own clothes, or not to spend his lunch, it
should not have to be a big problem. Don’t let your self be serious with
little things.
Accept your child what your
child is and not who you are. Normal, if your child is different with you.Stop worrying about what anyone says. Your children fight in
school, get piercings, and so forth. Make sure you know the background of his
choice before angry because they feel ashamed of the views of
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