Lucu sekali, itulah kesan dalam benakku. Hidupku penuh kelucuan
kadang sering tanpa rencana. Demikian juga pengalamanku ketika aku tak
terbayangkan sebelumnya bisa kuliah di UNS jur. Bahasa Inggris. Tidak
satupun dari anggota keluargaku maupun ortuku tahu bahwa aku mendaftar
di UNS jurusan b Inggris.Karena aku memang bukan dari keluarga yang
banyak tahu tentang dunia pendidikan. Ortuku petani, sedangkan saudara2
ku (ada 8 orang) tidak satupun yang kuliah. Hanya saudaraku paling tua
bernasib beda dari tukang kebun sekolah,lalu jadi TU berlanjut jadi
Guru SMP.
Harapan ortuku sederhana saja, maksudnya
jadi umumnya laki-laiki seperti tetanggaku merantau jadi pedagang atau
apalah yang penting tidak tinggal di desa yang tidak bisa menjanjikan
kehidupan yang layak. Dari semua pemuda di desa seangkatanku hanya aku
yang ke kota untuk kerja dan sekolah.
setelah lulus dari SMPNI Baturetno tahun 1986, aku ke Solo mengikuti
jejak kakakku. Beberapa pekerjaan sudah pernah kujalani dari menjadi
kuli sambil kursus reparasi barang2 elektronik, lalu menjadi karyawan
pengusaha Cina jadi teknisi. Karena ingin mandiri, kuputuskan menjadi
pengusaha kaki lima Susu Segar Roti bakar depan SMPN 5 Surakarta. Tak
terbayangkan menjadi pedagang susu segar terlalu berat, aku sering
pulang lebih dr tengah malam. Tubuhku sudah kecil semakin kecil. Sunnguh
beraaaaaaaaaat. Sering sekali sudah larut malam susu tidak habis, ada
juga pemuda nakal mau makan tapi tak bayar..pokoknya pengalaman
mengerikan, aku sering menangis dalam hati.
.........baru mimpi..... jadi pengusaha sudah beraaaaaaaaaaaaat.
Tahun 1999 kuputuskan aku harus sekolah, kujual warung susu segar, aku
mendaftar di SMAMTA Surakarta. Aku diterima, walau aku sudah berhenti
beberapa tahun dan tidak pernah belajar. Alasan aku diterima di SMAMTA
nilai UN SMPku bagus bahkan aku masuk 5 besar, itu nilai murni 100% .Ooh
ya semasa aku di SMP, aku belum pernah sekalipun curang dalam mencari
Mas Guru berbagi motivasi terutama untuk siswanya di SMAN 1 Girimarto
Rabu, 13 Juni 2012
Atas terbentuknya kelompok teater di SMAN 1 Girimarto, ide pembuatan film yang berdasar true story (kisah nyata) dari salah satu guru yakni MasKatno Giri menjadi perbincangan serius. Tepatnya di akhir sesi rapat dinas SMAN1 GirimartoSelasa 12 Juni 2012. Ingin tahu kenapa ada usulan kisah MasKatnoGiri layak difilmkan?
Awalnya teater SMAN 1 Girimarto telah menghasilkan film singkat utuh yang telah berhasil ditayangkan di depan para siswa. Namun adegan-adegan dari film singkat tersebut mengundang kontroversi, maka dari hasil pemikiran yang mendalam dari salah satu Wakasek BpDrs. Anto Prasetyo, dimunculkan ide kenapa film yang berdasar kisah nyata tidak dijadikan proyek teater SMA kita. Beliau menambahkan bahwa MasKatnoGiri memiliki kisah yang unik, menarik dan bisa mencerahkan. Tidak tanggung-tanggung beliau akan mengajukan proposal untuk pengucuran dana sampai terbentuk film utuh.
Kalau menurut MasKatnoGiri sendiri, bahwa kisahnya hanya layak untuk memotivasi anak-anaknya. Dia juga ragu apakah kisah hidupnya mampu memberi makna hidup untuk orang banyak. Barangkali menurut P. Anto bahwa MasKatnoGiri itu orang luar biasa, padahal menurut dia sendiri dia biasa di luar dan biasa di dalam. Maksudnya dia dianggap orang tangguh, karena sejak remaja sudah biasa hidup mandiri tanpa mudah minta-minta ke saudara maupun ortunya. Dia dianggap mampu melampaui masa sulit dengan kerja keras, seperti sebagai pekerja cleaning servis di depo stasiun Balapan (ngguyang sepur), jual dan loper koran, penjual susu segar dan dia mampu sekolah S1 sampai S2 dengan biaya sendiri, bahkan dari SMA pun sudah sambil kerja. Beliau menambahkan bahwa ada kisah-kisah unik ketika MasKatnoGiri mulai kuliah di FKIP b. Inggris UNS, juga menjadi guru privat b. Inggris lebih dari 10 th.dll.Dan dia pernah menjadi Branch Manager Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Solo.
Namun menurut MasKatnoGiri, dia sebenarnya tidak kuat atau tangguh Cuma dikuat-kuatkan saja.Pak Anto mempertimbangkan bahwa MaskatnoGiri sudah berhasil atau istilahnya sukses kalau dibanding sebelumnya, karena sudah meningkat kariernya. MasKatnoGiri sebenarnya agak malu-malu, karena banyak orang lebih hebat dan lebih sukses darinya bahkan lebih layak hidup dibanding dirinya.
Namun entahlah, kini dia diberi tugas membuat sipnosis tentang kisah hidupnya namun dia masih aras-arasen, dan bingung mau memulai dari mana.
Atas terbentuknya kelompok teater di SMAN 1 Girimarto, ide pembuatan film yang berdasar true story (kisah nyata) dari salah satu guru yakni MasKatno Giri menjadi perbincangan serius. Tepatnya di akhir sesi rapat dinas SMAN1 GirimartoSelasa 12 Juni 2012. Ingin tahu kenapa ada usulan kisah MasKatnoGiri layak difilmkan?
Awalnya teater SMAN 1 Girimarto telah menghasilkan film singkat utuh yang telah berhasil ditayangkan di depan para siswa. Namun adegan-adegan dari film singkat tersebut mengundang kontroversi, maka dari hasil pemikiran yang mendalam dari salah satu Wakasek BpDrs. Anto Prasetyo, dimunculkan ide kenapa film yang berdasar kisah nyata tidak dijadikan proyek teater SMA kita. Beliau menambahkan bahwa MasKatnoGiri memiliki kisah yang unik, menarik dan bisa mencerahkan. Tidak tanggung-tanggung beliau akan mengajukan proposal untuk pengucuran dana sampai terbentuk film utuh.
Kalau menurut MasKatnoGiri sendiri, bahwa kisahnya hanya layak untuk memotivasi anak-anaknya. Dia juga ragu apakah kisah hidupnya mampu memberi makna hidup untuk orang banyak. Barangkali menurut P. Anto bahwa MasKatnoGiri itu orang luar biasa, padahal menurut dia sendiri dia biasa di luar dan biasa di dalam. Maksudnya dia dianggap orang tangguh, karena sejak remaja sudah biasa hidup mandiri tanpa mudah minta-minta ke saudara maupun ortunya. Dia dianggap mampu melampaui masa sulit dengan kerja keras, seperti sebagai pekerja cleaning servis di depo stasiun Balapan (ngguyang sepur), jual dan loper koran, penjual susu segar dan dia mampu sekolah S1 sampai S2 dengan biaya sendiri, bahkan dari SMA pun sudah sambil kerja. Beliau menambahkan bahwa ada kisah-kisah unik ketika MasKatnoGiri mulai kuliah di FKIP b. Inggris UNS, juga menjadi guru privat b. Inggris lebih dari 10 th.dll.Dan dia pernah menjadi Branch Manager Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Solo.
Namun menurut MasKatnoGiri, dia sebenarnya tidak kuat atau tangguh Cuma dikuat-kuatkan saja.Pak Anto mempertimbangkan bahwa MaskatnoGiri sudah berhasil atau istilahnya sukses kalau dibanding sebelumnya, karena sudah meningkat kariernya. MasKatnoGiri sebenarnya agak malu-malu, karena banyak orang lebih hebat dan lebih sukses darinya bahkan lebih layak hidup dibanding dirinya.
Namun entahlah, kini dia diberi tugas membuat sipnosis tentang kisah hidupnya namun dia masih aras-arasen, dan bingung mau memulai dari mana.
Selasa, 12 Juni 2012
Pelaksanaan STUDY BANDING SMAN 1 Girimarto ke SMA Muh 1 Karanganyar tinggal selangkah lagi, maksudnya tinggal menghitung jam saja. Berdasar rencana yang telah disepakati, keluarga besar SMAN1 Girimarto, pemberangkatan jam 7.30 hari Kamis dengan bus berangkat dari Maron Indah desa di mana SMA 1 Girimarto berlokasi.
Menurut koordinator kegiaatan STUDY BANDING Bp Syamsu Ahmad N ,S.Pd, M.Pd, SMA Muh I karanganyar layak sebagai tempat menimba ilmu, ini berdasar survey dan hasil meditasi dari beliau yang sudah banyak menguras waktu. SMA Girimarto sudah waktunya berbenah, dan mau membuka diri. Diharapkan SMA yang tinggal di desa ini menjadi Outstanding School atau istilahnya bukan sekolah CHEENG-CHEENG POOO....berlanjut shoalt dulu
Pelaksanaan STUDY BANDING SMAN 1 Girimarto ke SMA Muh 1 Karanganyar tinggal selangkah lagi, maksudnya tinggal menghitung jam saja. Berdasar rencana yang telah disepakati, keluarga besar SMAN1 Girimarto, pemberangkatan jam 7.30 hari Kamis dengan bus berangkat dari Maron Indah desa di mana SMA 1 Girimarto berlokasi.
Menurut koordinator kegiaatan STUDY BANDING Bp Syamsu Ahmad N ,S.Pd, M.Pd, SMA Muh I karanganyar layak sebagai tempat menimba ilmu, ini berdasar survey dan hasil meditasi dari beliau yang sudah banyak menguras waktu. SMA Girimarto sudah waktunya berbenah, dan mau membuka diri. Diharapkan SMA yang tinggal di desa ini menjadi Outstanding School atau istilahnya bukan sekolah CHEENG-CHEENG POOO....berlanjut shoalt dulu
Are we eager to have sincerity?
If our answer YES, so we are going
to have a happy life.
Sincerity of feeling, intent touches
the hearts of everyone.
What exactly defines sincerity?
And how do we achieve it? No other formula exists for sincerity than to be
sincere by being genuine, having faith and trust in our self.
According to my teacher teacher, there are many ways to achieve sincerity, they are as follows:
Doing or acting
the same way alone as we do when in the presence of others. This is
the real and this is the person that
people will and trust That is not only hard work but is ultimately insincere.
Doing things out of the goodness
of our heart; don't seek a reward or do things
to acquire things from people. When we give without expecting the boomerang
effect to occur, the giving becomes an act of sincerity and an expression of our genuine concern for and interest in others.
that sincerity comes from the heart.
Whatever we do or say, it is vital to mean to do or say it and to back it up
with our beliefs. We cannot be sincere
when we compliment someone but deep inside we detest or hate him or her.
that sincerity can expose us. Opening up to others about our feelings, motives and aspirations can
cause some people to react in insincere ways and to try and drag us down.
Using positive affirmations. Always
seek the goodness in us, in others, in
situations. When negative connotations arise, use our positive affirmations to override the
negatives and to try to find the silver lining in any situation. Sincerity
thrives on effort to think the right way.
hospitable in any situations and lack material neediness. Sincerity is
advanced when we are open to having others in our life and when we do not feel a need to
compare ourself with what others have and what we do not. Material neediness
destroys the ability to be sincere because our focus is always on protecting our
possessions and aiming to accumulate more instead of looking outwards into the
human community around us and perceiving
the ways in which we can add substance to it through the goodness of our heart.
Apakah kita ingin memiliki ketulusan?
Apakah kita
ingin memiliki ketulusan?
Jika jawabannya YA, maka kita akan memiliki kehidupan yang bahagia.
Ketulusan perasaan, niat menyentuh hati semua orang.
Apakah definisi ketulusan? Dan bagaimana kita mencapainya? Tidak ada rumus lain untuk mencapai ketulusan, kecuali memiliki iman Kepada Allah s.w.t . dan kepercayaan dalam diri kita.
Jika jawabannya YA, maka kita akan memiliki kehidupan yang bahagia.
Ketulusan perasaan, niat menyentuh hati semua orang.
Apakah definisi ketulusan? Dan bagaimana kita mencapainya? Tidak ada rumus lain untuk mencapai ketulusan, kecuali memiliki iman Kepada Allah s.w.t . dan kepercayaan dalam diri kita.
upaya kita meraih ketulusan?
ustadz saya ada beberapa cara mencapai tulus / ikhlas antara lain:
1. Melakukan atau bertindak dengan cara yang sama saja seperti yang kita lakukan ketika sendirian atau di hadapan orang lain. Ini adalah nyata dan ini adalah orang yang bisa dipercaya .
1. Melakukan atau bertindak dengan cara yang sama saja seperti yang kita lakukan ketika sendirian atau di hadapan orang lain. Ini adalah nyata dan ini adalah orang yang bisa dipercaya .
2. Melakukan
hal-hal dari kebaikan hati kita, jangan mencari hadiah atau melakukan hal-hal
untuk mendapatkan sesuatu dari orang. Mestinya
kita memberi tanpa mengharapkan efek bumerang terjadi, Pemberian menjadi
tindakan ketulusan dan ekspresi perhatian yang tulus untuk kepentingan orang
3. Memahami bahwa ketulusan datang dari hati.. Kita tidak bisa tulus ketika kita memuji seseorang tetapi jauh di dalam kita benci atau membenci dia.
4. Menggunakan afirmasi positif. Kita seharusny selalu mencari kebaikan dalam diri kita, pada orang lain, dalam situasi. Ketika konotasi negatif muncul, menggunakan afirmasi positif kita untuk menimpa negatif dan mencoba untuk menemukan sisi positif dalam situasi apapun. Ketulusan berkembang pada upaya untuk berpikir dengan cara yang benar atau positif.
5. Menjadi ramah dalam berbagai situasi . Ketulusan adalah usaha menjadi terbuka dalam menghadapi berbagai jenis manusia maupun ketika kita tidak merasa perlu untuk membandingkan diri kita dengan apa yang orang lain.
3. Memahami bahwa ketulusan datang dari hati.. Kita tidak bisa tulus ketika kita memuji seseorang tetapi jauh di dalam kita benci atau membenci dia.
4. Menggunakan afirmasi positif. Kita seharusny selalu mencari kebaikan dalam diri kita, pada orang lain, dalam situasi. Ketika konotasi negatif muncul, menggunakan afirmasi positif kita untuk menimpa negatif dan mencoba untuk menemukan sisi positif dalam situasi apapun. Ketulusan berkembang pada upaya untuk berpikir dengan cara yang benar atau positif.
5. Menjadi ramah dalam berbagai situasi . Ketulusan adalah usaha menjadi terbuka dalam menghadapi berbagai jenis manusia maupun ketika kita tidak merasa perlu untuk membandingkan diri kita dengan apa yang orang lain.
Senin, 11 Juni 2012
(Summarized from many sources by MasKatno Giri)
All praise is due to Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, and upon his family and his companions.
With regard to the matter of sincere intention, it seems that some people are confused with regard to certain aspects. Therefore, I just sugest me by writing the following points, and all success is from Allah:
1. Firstly, the correct intention is one of two conditions for every act of worship to be accepted, along with the action being in accordance to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. The proof for this principle can be found in Allah’s statement: “So whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord (Allah) – let him do righteous work and not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord.” [Al-Kahf 18:110].
2. Secondly, the essence of the correct intention is for an action to be sincerely for the sake of Allah, and not to contain any form of shirk, or giving some of Allah’s rights to someone or something else. Fadl bin Ziyaad said, “I asked Abu Abdullah (i.e., Imaam Ahmad) about the intention in action, how should it be? He said, ‘One should treat his self when he intends to do an action, not desiring by it the people (RIYA”).
3. Thirdly, intention is something that needs to be constantly reviewed and worked upon. Sufyaan ath-Thawree said, “I have not battled with anything more difficult than my intention.”
4. Fourthly, the fact that another person is the cause for some of our good deeds, or that they call us to guidance, or that they encourage us to do something which we were not intending to do, does not affect our intention. This is part of the foundation of da’wah and calling people to guidance. The Prophet – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – used to encourage some of the companions to do actions that they were not intending to do, and he encouraged others to do the same. The Prophet – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – said, “Whoever calls to guidance has the reward of it and the reward of everyone who acts upon it, until the Day of Resurrection (hari kebangkitan), without their reward being decreased in any way.” So if a brother comes to you and says, ‘come to the masjid’, and you were not intending to come, but because of him calling you to guidance, you decide to come, and you make your worship for the sake of Allah alone, then your intention is correct, if Allah wills, and the fact that another brother called you to do something that you had not planned to do does not affect our intention.
Similarly, if your intention was not pure, and then you realise that we have been showing off in some of our deeds, then we correct them and seek Allah’s forgiveness, then your intention returns to being correct, and if you do so before we complete the action (such as before we finish praying), then we do not lose the reward of the entire prayer.
5. Fifthly, showing off is a form of minor shirk (kelalaian) and is extremely serious, but it is equally serious to not perform good deeds out of fear of showing off. Al Fudayl bin ‘Iyaad considered it another form of riyaa’. Rather you should say, ‘O Allah, I seek refuge with you from making partners with you while I realise, and I ask your forgiveness for what I do not realise.’ Leaving that which Allah has ordered you out of fear of what people may say can even reach the level of major shirk, so do not allow the shaytaan to open a door to your destruction!
A person’s Islam is not accepted by Allah until it is sincere – this is one of the conditions of laa ilaaha ill Allah, but as Muslims we are commanded to treat them as normal Muslims, since the matter of intention is left to Allah. In general, we shouldn’t rush to encourage a person who is not sincere. This does not benefit Islam and the Muslims, and the person themselves may be harmed.
However, we may see someone who has some fault in their intention, and we believe that there is a good chance that the person will be corrected, based on their environment and their character. First of all we should try to correct their intention before they become Muslim. In the example of marriage, we try to make the marriage secondary to pleasing Allah. If we believe that they will change, then we may accept their Islam. However, if the person who they are marrying is not even practising Islam, then it is unlikely that they will see the beauty of Islam, when the person they are marrying does not even see it. So, I think that we should be very careful in some of these cases.
6. Sixthly, a person may enter Islam for the sake of the dunyaa, or with a fault in their intention and then correct his or her intention, as Imaan enters their hearts, and so become from the true Muslims. This was the case of some of the companions, especially those who became Muslim after the conquest of Makkah. Some of them became Muslim for worldly reasons, but the sun did not set before Allah and His Messenger were more beloved to them than the earth and whatever was in it. This does not mean that we should encourage people to become Muslim who do not want to, however, we have not been asked to rule based on the hearts of the people, and it is possible for people to change once they see the beauty of Islam.
7. Finally, do not succumb to the whispers of shaytaan, that when a person calls you to do something good you say, ‘my intention is not right’ – this is nothing but the whisperings of the shayaateen, may Allah protect me and you from them. Rather embrace this good deed and make it sincere for Allah without showing off. This way you will get the reward for your action, as will the person who called you to do good. At the very least be honest and say, ‘I am too lazy to do it’, rather than inventing a religious excuse that Allah has given you no authority for; perhaps Allah will open your heart to the truth because of your honesty.
Don’t forget that intention alone is not enough for your deeds to be accepted. They must also be in accordance with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. ‘Aa’ishah – may Allah be pleased with her – narrated that the Prophet – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – said, “Whoever does an action that is not in accordance with my affair [i.e., my sunnah] then it is rejected.”
May Allah grant us all beneficial knowledge and the ability to act upon it, and save us from the whisperings of the shaytaan
(Summarized from many sources by MasKatno Giri)
All praise is due to Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, and upon his family and his companions.
With regard to the matter of sincere intention, it seems that some people are confused with regard to certain aspects. Therefore, I just sugest me by writing the following points, and all success is from Allah:
1. Firstly, the correct intention is one of two conditions for every act of worship to be accepted, along with the action being in accordance to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. The proof for this principle can be found in Allah’s statement: “So whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord (Allah) – let him do righteous work and not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord.” [Al-Kahf 18:110].
2. Secondly, the essence of the correct intention is for an action to be sincerely for the sake of Allah, and not to contain any form of shirk, or giving some of Allah’s rights to someone or something else. Fadl bin Ziyaad said, “I asked Abu Abdullah (i.e., Imaam Ahmad) about the intention in action, how should it be? He said, ‘One should treat his self when he intends to do an action, not desiring by it the people (RIYA”).
3. Thirdly, intention is something that needs to be constantly reviewed and worked upon. Sufyaan ath-Thawree said, “I have not battled with anything more difficult than my intention.”
4. Fourthly, the fact that another person is the cause for some of our good deeds, or that they call us to guidance, or that they encourage us to do something which we were not intending to do, does not affect our intention. This is part of the foundation of da’wah and calling people to guidance. The Prophet – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – used to encourage some of the companions to do actions that they were not intending to do, and he encouraged others to do the same. The Prophet – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – said, “Whoever calls to guidance has the reward of it and the reward of everyone who acts upon it, until the Day of Resurrection (hari kebangkitan), without their reward being decreased in any way.” So if a brother comes to you and says, ‘come to the masjid’, and you were not intending to come, but because of him calling you to guidance, you decide to come, and you make your worship for the sake of Allah alone, then your intention is correct, if Allah wills, and the fact that another brother called you to do something that you had not planned to do does not affect our intention.
Similarly, if your intention was not pure, and then you realise that we have been showing off in some of our deeds, then we correct them and seek Allah’s forgiveness, then your intention returns to being correct, and if you do so before we complete the action (such as before we finish praying), then we do not lose the reward of the entire prayer.
5. Fifthly, showing off is a form of minor shirk (kelalaian) and is extremely serious, but it is equally serious to not perform good deeds out of fear of showing off. Al Fudayl bin ‘Iyaad considered it another form of riyaa’. Rather you should say, ‘O Allah, I seek refuge with you from making partners with you while I realise, and I ask your forgiveness for what I do not realise.’ Leaving that which Allah has ordered you out of fear of what people may say can even reach the level of major shirk, so do not allow the shaytaan to open a door to your destruction!
A person’s Islam is not accepted by Allah until it is sincere – this is one of the conditions of laa ilaaha ill Allah, but as Muslims we are commanded to treat them as normal Muslims, since the matter of intention is left to Allah. In general, we shouldn’t rush to encourage a person who is not sincere. This does not benefit Islam and the Muslims, and the person themselves may be harmed.
However, we may see someone who has some fault in their intention, and we believe that there is a good chance that the person will be corrected, based on their environment and their character. First of all we should try to correct their intention before they become Muslim. In the example of marriage, we try to make the marriage secondary to pleasing Allah. If we believe that they will change, then we may accept their Islam. However, if the person who they are marrying is not even practising Islam, then it is unlikely that they will see the beauty of Islam, when the person they are marrying does not even see it. So, I think that we should be very careful in some of these cases.
6. Sixthly, a person may enter Islam for the sake of the dunyaa, or with a fault in their intention and then correct his or her intention, as Imaan enters their hearts, and so become from the true Muslims. This was the case of some of the companions, especially those who became Muslim after the conquest of Makkah. Some of them became Muslim for worldly reasons, but the sun did not set before Allah and His Messenger were more beloved to them than the earth and whatever was in it. This does not mean that we should encourage people to become Muslim who do not want to, however, we have not been asked to rule based on the hearts of the people, and it is possible for people to change once they see the beauty of Islam.
7. Finally, do not succumb to the whispers of shaytaan, that when a person calls you to do something good you say, ‘my intention is not right’ – this is nothing but the whisperings of the shayaateen, may Allah protect me and you from them. Rather embrace this good deed and make it sincere for Allah without showing off. This way you will get the reward for your action, as will the person who called you to do good. At the very least be honest and say, ‘I am too lazy to do it’, rather than inventing a religious excuse that Allah has given you no authority for; perhaps Allah will open your heart to the truth because of your honesty.
Don’t forget that intention alone is not enough for your deeds to be accepted. They must also be in accordance with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. ‘Aa’ishah – may Allah be pleased with her – narrated that the Prophet – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – said, “Whoever does an action that is not in accordance with my affair [i.e., my sunnah] then it is rejected.”
May Allah grant us all beneficial knowledge and the ability to act upon it, and save us from the whisperings of the shaytaan
Even though I am not a perfect
man, but I hope to be better. I hope
that someday I can be a successful man in
many fields either in financial, social,
academical, and spiritual fields.
Is it possible?
Certainly, The world is full of possibilities. I always remember my
teacher’s advice that everybody has a
right to be successful but they must have a key
of success. Do you know what the
key of success is?
My teacher adds that effective positive thinking that brings results is much more
than just repeating a few positive words, or telling ourself that everything is
going to be all right. It has to be our predominant mental attitude. It is not
enough to think positively for a few moments, and then letting fears and lack
of belief enter our mind. Some effort and inner work are necessary.
Here are
tips to help us develop the power of
positive thinking:
- Always use only positive words while thinking and while talking. Use words such as, 'I can', 'I am able', 'it is possible', 'it can be done', etc.
- Allow into our awareness only feelings of happiness, strength and success.
- Try to disregard and ignore negative thoughts. Refuse to think such thoughts, and substitute them with constructive happy thoughts.
- In our conversation use words that evoke feelings and mental images of strength, happiness and success.
- Before starting with any plan or action, visualize clearly in our mind its successful outcome. If we visualize with concentration and faith, we will be amazed at the results.
- Read at least one page of inspiring book every day.
- Minimize the time we listen to the news and read the papers.
- Associate our self with people who think positively.
- Always sit and walk with our back straight. This will strengthen our confidence and inner strength.
- Walk, do exercise, swim or engage in some other physical activity. This helps to develop a more positive attitude.
positive and expect only favorable results and situations, even if our current
circumstances are not as you wish them to be. In time, our mental attitude will
affect our life and circumstances and change them accordingly.
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