Memang ada orang yang dilahirkan dengan modal luar biasa: ganteng, cantik, cerdas, pisik ok dll. Namun, sebaliknya ada yang dilahirkan dengan modal: cacat pisik, tidak cerdas, dll. Karena manusia memiliki keterbatasan, mereka menyimpulkan Allah swt tidak adil.
Kesimpulan manusia terbiasa salah mengenai kuasa Allah. Banyak sekali orang dengan modal hidup serba kekurangan namun kelebihan mereka melebihi manusia normal. Inilah bukti bahwa Allah Maha Adil. Hanya orang yang mampu berpikir positif atau holistik yang mampu menyimpulkan bahwa Allah itu Maha Adil.
Kenapa ada manusia denagn penuh kekurangan namun memiliki keluarbiasaanya melebihi manusia biasa?
Allah menunjukkan kekuasaaNya dengan memberi pada orang-orang lemah sensitivitas harga diri yang tinggi. Sekali lagi bahwa sensitifitas yang tinggi adalah rezeki luar biasa yang tidak dimiliki oleh setiap orang. Sehingga banyak orang lemah bahkan cacat tapi mampu mandiri juga mampu mempertahankan harga diri atau kehormatan diri. Bahkan, orang yang penuh keterbatasan tersebut mampu menginspirasi, memotivasi dan teladan sejati.
Kita bisa saksikan dengan mata kepala sendiri juga bisa melalui berbagi media bahwa orang yang ganteng, cerdas, kaya dsb tapi tidak dikaruniai sensitivitas harga diri dan kehormatan diri. Orang tersebut banyak yang dipermalukan dihadapan manusia lain karena dipenjara sampai tua. Ada juga orang tersebut tidak mampu hidup mandiri bahkan banyak yang menjadi beban orang.
Akhirnya sudah waktunya bagi kita untuk meyakini bahwa Allah itu benar-benar adil.
English version
Some people are born with extraordinary capitals: handsome, beautiful, intelligent, good physic etc.. However, we can also see other people born with limited capitals: physical disabilities, not smart, etc.. Because of humans’ limitations, they concluded that Allah is not fair.
Men are accustomed to have wrong conclusions about the power of God. Lots of people living with many weaknesses, but they are more powerful than normal humans. This is proof that Allah is really fair. Only those who are able to think positively or holistically able to conclude that God is fair.
Why is there any weak people but they could be super humans?
God demonstrates his power by giving the weak people with high sensitivity and self-esteem. Once again that high sensitivity is remarkable sustenance that is not owned by any person. So many weak and even handicapped people but also be able to run their life independently, they are able to maintain self-esteem or self-respect. In fact, people are full of these limitations can inspire others. And also they can motivate others and be a true role model.
We can see the facts through various media that the handsome, smart, rich, people, they are not blessed with the sensitivity of self-esteem and self-respect. Many people who humiliated in front of other people because they are jail ed untill to be so old. Also many of them are not able to live independently .
Finally it was time for us to believe that God is completely fair.
English version
Some people are born with extraordinary capitals: handsome, beautiful, intelligent, good physic etc.. However, we can also see other people born with limited capitals: physical disabilities, not smart, etc.. Because of humans’ limitations, they concluded that Allah is not fair.
Men are accustomed to have wrong conclusions about the power of God. Lots of people living with many weaknesses, but they are more powerful than normal humans. This is proof that Allah is really fair. Only those who are able to think positively or holistically able to conclude that God is fair.
Why is there any weak people but they could be super humans?
God demonstrates his power by giving the weak people with high sensitivity and self-esteem. Once again that high sensitivity is remarkable sustenance that is not owned by any person. So many weak and even handicapped people but also be able to run their life independently, they are able to maintain self-esteem or self-respect. In fact, people are full of these limitations can inspire others. And also they can motivate others and be a true role model.
We can see the facts through various media that the handsome, smart, rich, people, they are not blessed with the sensitivity of self-esteem and self-respect. Many people who humiliated in front of other people because they are jail ed untill to be so old. Also many of them are not able to live independently .
Finally it was time for us to believe that God is completely fair.